Hi Stephan,
We tried to CANCEL_UC_OBJECT, it worked for the status (waiting for predecessor) but we couldn't able to cancel the active executions. We're getting the below error,
U00020408 143740529 : JDE_WEE.JOBS.R56EU056.CH0090003S.WEEM01.CHESCHD : 0000000000000000
2024-10-03 10:10:44 - U00011050 Cancel/Quit of task 'JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42800.CH0090004S.WEESCHED.CHESCHD' (RunID '0143740530') not possible because it is not in a cancelable status.
2024-10-03 10:10:44 - U00020408 143740530 : JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42800.CH0090004S.WEESCHED.CHESCHD : 0000000000011050
2024-10-03 10:10:44 - U00011050 Cancel/Quit of task 'JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42800.CH0090002S.WEESCHED.CHESCHD' (RunID '0143740531') not possible because it is not in a cancelable status.
2024-10-03 10:10:44 - U00020408 143740531 : JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42800.CH0090002S.WEESCHED.CHESCHD : 0000000000011050
2024-10-03 10:10:45 - U00020408 143741142 : JOBP.PRINT_INVOICES_WEE_AUTSCHD@7.02PM : 0000000000000000
2024-10-03 10:10:45 - U00011050 Cancel/Quit of task 'JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42565.AT0070005S.WEESCHED.AUTSCHD' (RunID '0143741146') not possible because it is not in a cancelable status.
2024-10-03 10:10:45 - U00020408 143741146 : JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42565.AT0070005S.WEESCHED.AUTSCHD : 0000000000011050
2024-10-03 10:10:45 - U00011050 Cancel/Quit of task 'JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42800.CH0090002S.WEESCHED.CHESCHD' (RunID '0143752712') not possible because it is not in a cancelable status.
2024-10-03 10:10:45 - U00020408 143752712 : JDE_WEE.JOBS.R42800.CH0090002S.WEESCHED.CHESCHD : 0000000000011050
Could you please let us know why we're getting this error?
And also if we tried to extract the active job details from VARA object, it showing the status code as 0 instead of 1550 (active status code) in the preview. Is there any specific reason for this?
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 02, 2024 12:46 AM
From: Stephan Schratzberger
Subject: JOBS stuck in active/waiting for predecessor status
Hi Ashmitha,
you could write a SCRIPT object and use the function CANCEL_UC_OBJECT (https://docs.automic.com/documentation/webhelp/english/ALL/components/DOCU/12.3/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/Content/Script/Reference/CANCEL_UC_OBJECT.htm).
Best regards
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 01, 2024 06:23 PM
From: Ashmitha Ashmitha
Subject: JOBS stuck in active/waiting for predecessor status
Hi Team,
We had several jobs with different stuck statuses for a few days. Now we have to manually change the status of the job to ended_cancel-manually canceled status. As we have a large number of jobs, it's quite difficult to change the status manually.
Is there any other method to do this activity?
Please share your opinion on this.