Set up a query based group in DSM Explorer, then you can use CADSMCMD to display the members of the group. The query will have to be ‘tweaked’ a little. Start with this query: General Information --> Computer --> Relationship --> Server Relations --> Current Server = ‘pick one of your servers, any one!’
You will now have a query with pseudo text (Current Server = ‘MyServer’). If you right click that you will get a menu with ‘Edit SQL…’, which will pop up another dialog which shows the actual SQL query, which will look like:
· ca_discovered_hardware.dis_hw_uuid in (SELECT object_uuid FROM ca_agent WHERE server_uuid IN (SELECT server_uuid FROM ca_server WHERE label='MyServer'))
o change that to
· ca_discovered_hardware.dis_hw_uuid in (SELECT object_uuid FROM ca_agent WHERE server_uuid NOT IN (SELECT server_uuid FROM ca_server))
You can change the pseudo text as well to whatever you like by clicking on it, wait a second then click on it again. It will allow you to rename the pseudo text.
Steve McCormick, ITIL
CA Technologies
Principal Services Consultant
Tel: +1-731-676-4223