HI Lalit,
We sorted the issue in fluent-bit applying filters to the logs before is been send to our log platform.
Also in the api side the logging part was also reduce, and with the possibility to trigger maximum logging when needed.
At the time I tested this about two years ago, the change in CWP never took effect.
Carlos Alberto Pimentel NAvarro
Cloud/System Engineer
William hill
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 07, 2024 12:33 PM
From: Lalit Kumar Soni
Subject: how to modify the log level kubernetes stdout in API gateways 10.1.0
Were you able to solve this problem?
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 02, 2022 11:55 AM
From: carlospimentel
Subject: how to modify the log level kubernetes stdout in API gateways 10.1.0
HI all ,
I am trying to modify the log level of what is send in the stdout of the container.
I have the API gateways 10.1 running in Kubernetes.
I got fluent-bit as deamonset capturing the stdout logs of the container. but is seen to be that policies are writing over 500 lines of logs.
I have tried to applying a configmap with the example here:
apim-charts/values.yaml at 10c3564a266b07cff07c875a0e9b82d81adf93b6 · CAAPIM/apim-charts
Enriched Logging in JSON Format
but I can only manage is to change the format of the logs to json, changing the value to SEVERE doesn't seen to make any effect.
I have also trying the CWP.
with the values
com.l7tech.level = CONFIGcom.l7tech.server.policy.variable.ServerVariables.level = SEVEREcom.l7tech.external.assertions.odata.server.producer.jdbc.GenerateSqlQuery.level = SEVEREcom.l7tech.server.policy.assertion.ServerSetVariableAssertion.level = SEVEREcom.l7tech.external.assertions.comparison.server.ServerComparisonAssertion = SEVERE
and also
log.stdoutLevel = SEVERE
and nothing take effect.
If you have any suggestion please let me know.
Every time I do a change I restart the API gateways and check that the new values are there.
Thank you