I'm looking for help with this scenario because it is not picking up the most recent report queue from history.
Report A runs 3 times / day. 9a, noon and 3p
When I run this sql (set up as a sub var) it shows the exact queue I am expecting at 9a, noon and 3p at 9a noon and 3p.
select max(so_ref1) from so_job_history where so_module in ( 'AH_PENDING_5137') and (so_job_finished) >= sysdate -(12/24)
If I add an After Condition to extract data from the report, using the same sql as above to locate the queue of the job, it resolves the queue from the previous run report not the most recent. example - run job at noon, the After condition locates the 9a queue number not the noon queue number.
With that, I created a dummy job to run the After condition, and let it run 100 sec after AH_PENDNG and it still finds the 9a queue not the noon queue.
Is there something I am missing or could change? Thanks in advance.