October 2023
To: OPS/MVS® and Automation Point Customers
From: Broadcom's OPS/MVS® Event Management and Automation Product Team
Subject: General Availability Announcement for Automation Point 11.7 SP2 (SP02)
On behalf of Broadcom, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality, innovative software and services. As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly announce updated releases and maintenance for our products.
Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of Automation Point 11.7 SP2 (SP02). This Service Pack includes all maintenance published prior to this update. By installing this Service Pack, you ensure that your systems are current on maintenance for Automation Point 11.7. The service pack will deliver improvements in security and performance and deprecate some technology and features that are unused or can be delivered better.
New features include:
· Reinstatement of SQL Server support for Notification Manager: While we continue to recommend SQLite as the database of choice for Notification Manager for simplicity and cost reasons, SQL Server support has been reinstated, allowing those customers who share a Notification Manager database across multiple instances of Application Point to continue to be able to do so. See Define Notification Manager.
· Alert data and history issue is resolved by 11.7 SP2: The alert data and history issue is resolved by Automation Point release 11.7 SP2. If installing earlier releases 11.7 or 11.7 SP1, you need to perform a manual export (including the database) to maintain historic alert information before an upgrade to 11.7 or 11.7 SP1. For more information, see Managing Site Files.
· Continued investment in security enhancements by updating software components and removing those not in use.
We also encourage you to visit the Automation Point product information page at Support and TechDocs for detailed information concerning this Service Pack, up-to-date documentation, support information, and the latest technical bulletins.
You can download your copy of Automation Point 11.7 SP02 at Support where you can also utilize Broadcom's case management system. To install SP02, follow the installation procedures for your product at TechDocs. If you have any questions or require assistance, contact Support.
Should you need any assistance, our Services experts can help. Visit Services for more information, and how you can leverage our expertise. To connect, learn, and share with other customers, join and participate in our OPS/MVS Community.
For a list of Education courses recommended by role, please visit the Course Catalog and select the desired product. We update courses based on functional impact as well as high-demand; therefore, courses created from previous releases may apply to the current release.
Please review the End of Service/End of Life Policy within the Broadcom Maintenance Policy Handbook.
Thank you again for your business.