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Gen New & Updated Knowledge Base Articles for September 2024

  • 1.  Gen New & Updated Knowledge Base Articles for September 2024

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 9 days ago

    Here is the September list of New & Updated Gen Knowledge Base Articles (September 1 - 30, 2024, US EST).

    Until the end of October an article improvement project will be running which means updates to older articles will be appearing more frequently in the list than usual.
    Also there has been a broken links project running since early July which will have a similar effect.

    The full list of KB articles can be found on the Gen Product page:
    Scroll down to "Knowledge Base Articles" and use "Browse All". Change the default "Sort By Relevance" to "Sort By Updated Date". Also at the bottom of the page, you can increase the default value of 10 for "Results per page".
    Another thing to note is there is now a "facet" name "Gen" which covers all 4 Gen product names: Gen, Gen - Host Encyclopedia, Gen - Run Time Distributed, Gen - Workstation Toolset.
    When the above article search results are initially displayed the Product is filtered on the facet Gen but only with the product name Gen i.e.

    Use X on the first "Gen" (facet name) to clear the Product filter and then from left-hand Product list select Gen (facet name):

    That results in the following new Product filter which shows all articles that contain any of the 4 Gen product names:

    In the Gen 8.6 Build Tool, what value should the BT profile token OPT.VSVERSION be set to when using either Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, 2019 or 2022?,The initial release of Gen 8.6 only supported Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, but later PTFs have introduced support for both Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 - for details please see the "Additional Information" section be....
    You can subscribe to an article to stay up to date on changes. Learn more about Broadcom article subscriptions below. Additional symptoms reported: Missing the ability to subscribe to notifications on a KB article.,Subscribe to an article Click on the article link from case management. If you are viewing an article from the view, you will need to follow the below steps to subscribe. Option 1: Click on the article under the Knowledge tab o....
    While upgrading Gen 8.5 to 8.6 on Mainframe, after successful generation/build of the Gen 8.6 CICS Servers an issue is encountered at runtime. The server procedure step system view USER_ID and CLIENT_USER_ID is not getting populated from the client s....,Check if any Gen 8.5 user exits have been customized and do the same for the equivalent Gen 8.6 user exit. Specifically check the user exit TIRCUSRX and if using TCP/IP middleware the user exit TIRSLEXT.
    The wrong version of awk can be executed on Solaris by the Gen 8.6 $IEFH/make/ script. This script is used to compile generated .jvf files which describe the views that Tuxedo servers use. This article will provide details on this change.,Edit $IEFH/make/ and add the following lines just after the modification comments at the top of the file: if [ -f "/usr/xpg4/bin/awk" ] then AWK=/usr/xpg4/bin/awk else AWK=awk fi Then replace awk with $AWK on the line starting with....
    The Gen CSE Object Cache parameter which can be changed in the CSE Support Client can have a significant factor in overall CSE performance. See doc. page: Tune the Client Server Encyclopedia > Cache and Threshold Settings,Per the doc. page the Object Cache controls the maximum number of unreferenced objects that can be kept in memory by each CSE process (upload, download etc) before Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm will start to release them. Note that it is an upp....
    When using Tuxedo 22c on Solaris 11.4, Gen executables $IEFH/bin/ieftuxcl and $IEFH/bin/aeft will not run due to symbol kstat_open not being found. This article will provide details on this change.,Use the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to resolve the unreferenced symbol. Before launching $IEFH/bin/ieftuxcl, set LD_PRELOAD as follows: If you are using the Bourne or Korn Shell, export LD_PRELOAD: % export LD_PRELOAD="/lib/sparcv9/ $I....
    We generate Gen 8.6 online Windows/C/SQL Server applications to run in batch. It has been noticed that they seem to have an upper limit of memory and they several hours to finish. Is it possible to increase the memory usage to try to improve the perf....,The online generated batch programs are already being built with 64-bit i.e. BT profile OPTIONS token OPT.BITS=64 is being used. Support's suggestion to add /LARGEADDRESSAWARE to Build Tool OPTIONS token OPT.IEFLINK did not improve the application p....
    The Gen 8.6 Gen Example : Passphrase and Encryption cookbook article is really helpful, but we are using Gen 8.6 CICS TCP/IP Direct Connect (CICS Multi Socket Server Listener) without a Client Manager (CM). Is Passphrase support available in Gen when....,In summary, a Client Manager (CM) is required to use the Passphrase feature which supports 200 characters. The CM can be used in conjunction with a CICS Sockets Listener (TISRVLIS) or Multi-Sockets Listener (TISRVMSL). This Gen EDGE Community thread ....
    Gen 8.6 generated External Action Block(EAB) contains a definition for PS-EAB-PCB-PTR but it is commented out. If wanting to access I/O PCB, should the PS-EAB-PCB-PTR lines be uncommented, or can PS-EAB-PCB-ADR be used instead? 03 PS-EAB-D....,The Gen **** code has been doing this since the IEF 5.0 release. The code is generated as comments because under most circumstances it will not be needed by an EAB. For IMS applications, the IEF-RUNTIME-PARM1 variable maps to the IO-PCB, and ....
    When there is a need to change the encyclopedia repository from the Gen z/OS Host Encyclopedia to the Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) or just to offload models from a Host Encyclopedia to a CSE Encyclopedia, here are some tips to consider.,Table of Contents Introduction Downloading Models Applications continue to be generated for z/OS Applications moving to a new platform Introduction The Gen Host encyclopedia software has built-in capabilities to move a model to the CSE as a child mod....
    What is the currently recommended option to connect a Gen C client to a Gen Java EJB server? Are Converter Services options CFB Server and C to Java RMI Coopflow still applicable?,Historically the Converter Services options CFB Server and C to Java RMI Coopflow to connect a C client to a Java EJB server were created because a direct connection using Java RMI is not possible. However, the current recommended approach would be t....
    Attempting to build Gen 8.6 Windows/C modules in the Build Tool and receive the error: CA Gen Build Tool Compose Copyright (c) 2016 CA. All rights reserved. Exception caught: java.lang.RuntimeException:*** OPT.VSVERSION contains an unknown value () ....,The value of the Build Tool Profile Manager token OPT.VSVERSION defaults to VS140, which corresponds to an install of VS2015. The above error will occur if there is invalid value for the token OR the value does not match the version of Visual Studio....
    After upgrade of COM Proxy from Gen 7.0 to Gen 8.6, encountering this error running the Gen 8.6 COM Proxy which uses MQ to connect to the Gen server: CSU-DLL-ERROR:(Sys-126) Attach to mqicf70n.dll failed in function CSUWin32Library::attach.,The COM Proxy is looking for a runtime file named MQICF70N.DLL which is a Gen 7.0 MQ communications runtime file that is loaded by Gen COM Proxy 7.0 runtimes. The equivalent Gen 8.6 MQ communications runtime file is MQICFN.DLL i.e. it has no versioni....
    Are there any compatibility issues running Gen 8.6 on z15 processor hardware. ,Gen is not hardware dependent, so there are no issues with using various CPU hardware types as long as a Gen supported version of the z/OS operating system is running. For further details please see the page Gen™ 8.6 > Technical Requirements > Third....
    The Gen 8.6 Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) message dispatcher program iefmd.exe randomly crashes a few times a week when it is not necessarily being used. The CSE is unusable until the service CSESvcMD is restarted. The iefmd.log file contains thes....,A fix to prevent the iefmd.exe from crashing when the message dispatcher port is scanned was delivered in Gen 8.6 PTF CSN86103/SO05033 ("MESSAGE DISPATCHER CRASHES WHEN ACCESSED BY NON-GEN PROCESS"). That PTF is now superseded by the Gen 8.6 Complete....
    In a Gen 8.6 model there are three options for Window Video Properties at Business System and Windows Navigation Diagram levels i.e. Foreground, Background, Font. There is a Color dropdown in the Font dialog box but after changing it from Black to Re....,The Font dialog box has a Color dropdown which has no effect i.e. it can be changed and saved but when the dialog is reopened the change has been reverted to Black. The Color property can only be changed in the Foreground & Background dialogs.
    What are the steps to remove or uninstall an old/unwanted Gen Host Encyclopedia (HE).,IMPORTANT The instructions assume that the Host Encyclopedia (HE) to be removed uses DB2 databases that are completely separate from any other HE that is still in use. It is assumed that all models are already moved to a new Host Encyclopedia (if nec....
    After selecting "Generate debug support" for generation of Gen 8.6 IMS Server Load Module the link-edit fails with TIRTRCE unresolved error message: ***** IEW2322I 1220 182 REPLACE CEESG005 IEW2322I 1220 183 INCLUDE APPLOAD(ASQP070B) IEW2322I 1220 ....,To run with Diagram Trace Facility (DTF) requires targeting CICS or selecting "Target TSO test facility" (Application Test Facility) in the Generation options. For the "TSO test facility" only Block Mode and Batch applications are supported and traci....
    Using a Gen 8.6 Web View Java application (no server) that calls a SQL Server database directly Deployed to WebSphere Liberty Application Server (not yet officially supported for Gen 8.6 ) after running Build Tool assemble step using Application Serv....,Follow the steps on this Microsoft Learn page for SQL Server and JDBC Understanding XA transactions to enable XA in both the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) and the SQL Server instance.
    Installed latest Gen Studio 8.6 PTFs (GSN86301, GSN86302, GSN86303). Gen Studio Web View Generation for Gen sample model Cooperative client W900 fails with: Exception occurred during launch Reason: Error within Debug UI: Details show java.lang.reflec....,Close Gen Studio. Rename directory Gen Studio "cache" directory: "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\CA\Gen 8.6\cfg\GenStudio" to: "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\CA\Gen 8.6\cfg\GenStudio_old" Start Gen Studio and the Web View Generation is then succes....
    You notice Generated/compiled DBRMS do not have a "Date/timestamp" visible when browsing the module. Is there a setting somewhere which would cause the timestamp to be visible in the DBRM?,Set VERSION in the bind options as VERSION(AUTO) which will put a timestamp in the DBRM.
    The message "Gen check completed" started to appear once per day in CICS MSGUSR log after a recent Gen 8.6 PTF update for TIRORUNC.,The daily message is due to new SCRT reporting enhancements delivered in recent PTFs. For further details please see Gen 8.6 doc page Gen Licensing and section "Mainframe LMP License Keys": z/OS CICS Runtime SCRT Update After applying this PTF LU1405....
    This is a hub article that provides an index of relevant knowledge articles available for the Gen 8.6 Windows CSE. Articles relevant to all supported databases Oracle and SQL Server are included.,Table of Contents Configuration related articles Error related articles Configuration articles How to upgrade a Gen Windows CSE to Gen 8.6 How to move Gen Windows CSE to new server (no Gen upgrade) Using Gen 8.6 Windows CSE with a remote database Gen....
    Does the Gen 8.6 CSE database need to reside on the same Windows server as where the CSE software is installed or can a remote database be used?,Table of Contents Feasibility to use remote database Required steps for Windows CSE to access a remote Oracle Database Required steps for Windows CSE to access a remote SQL Server Database Feasibility to use remote database In the Gen 8.6 documentati....
    Does the Gen 8.6 CSE Oracle database need to reside on the same Linux server as where the CSE software is installed or can a remote Oracle database be used?,Feasibility to use remote Oracle Database In the Gen 8.6 documentation under Client Server Encyclopedia Administration, after "Optimize Disk Usage" there is this note: ***** Note: While it is possible to configure the CSE environment such that the da....
    This is a hub article that provides a list of relevant knowledge articles currently available for the new Gen 8.6 Linux Oracle CSE.,Gen 8.6 Linux CSE automatic Oracle DB and iefmd startup Using Gen 8.6 Linux CSE with a remote Oracle database Migrate Gen CSE Oracle database to new Gen Linux CSE Gen 8.6 Linux CSE Increment subset fails with - XWKSTINC (28362) Gen 8.6 UNIX/Linux CSE....
    Have configured the Windows CSE to use a remote Oracle database (resides on another server). This all works fine when starting the message dispatcher from the command line. However when starting the message dispatcher service CSESvcMD it fails to sta....,To correct this situation use the registry editor regedit.exe to modify the key value for HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSESvcMD\DependOnService to remove the database service (in this example OracleServiceDBCSE) and just leave the RPCSS val....
    Using Gen 8.6 Toolset with latest PTFs. Attempt to use Call External to import a WSDL file TicketAgent.wsdl fails with the following parsing error. --------------------------- Error: WSDL Access Error: WSDL Access Detail: Index was out of range. Must....,Gen Engineering confirmed that having no service (endpoint) defined and having no "soap:operation" is causing the Call External import error. Examples of additional lines that needed to be added to enable successful import are in bold below: ***** ......
    After applying all PTFs, started a CICS regions using the Library with those PTFs. When testing a blockmode application, get the following error: CEE3501S The module TIRHSTGC was not found. From compile unit TIRHSTG at ent....,Apply the HOLDDATA from PTF RO68649. The PTF contains two HOLDDATA. One was to DEFINE PROGRAM TIRHSTGC to CICS Once the definition to CICS was set, the problem was resolved. ++HOLD (RO68649) SYSTEM FMID(CEHC850) ....
    Developing a new Gen app, which is generated and compiled as Java. The app is cooperative packaged. The client are generated as: JVM/Java/INTERNET The servers are generated as: JVM/JAVA/EJB Web services/Oracle/Java RMI The Application Server is jboss....,The Apache CXF/HTTPConduit timeouts can be configured in WildFly as system properties per WildFly 14 Developer Guide: WildFly Developer Guide See section "HTTPConduit configuration" cxf.client.receiveTimeout corresponds to the ReceiveTimeout. The env....
    Attempting to compile a Gen Action Block which contains an inline code statements for Cobol/CICS and receive a compiler error: IGYPS0228-S An "EXEC CICS" statement was found, but the "CICS" compiler option was not in effect. The statement was disc....,When compiling Gen Action Diagram in Cobol with inline code and that code contains an 'EXEC CICS' statement, the error IGYPS0228-S is expected. That is because the 'EXEC CICS' statement is not allowed per "Inline Code" section on page Gen™ 8.6 > Tut....
    With the new support in Gen 8.6 of ECI v2 for C clients (GUI, COM Proxy, and C Proxy), this article was written to cover troubleshooting advice and common errors for using ECI with Gen. It can be used when implementing Gen C clients connected to Gen ....,Table of Contents Where to look when problems arise: Common Errors and possible root causes: Where to look when problems arise: Communications configuration: Values set in commcfg.ini (if creating a Gen Support case is ultimately required they can a....
    Just created a new Gen Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) and when attempting to upload an existing model receive the following errors: MDLADPT: Function Work Attr Set TIMESTAMPDATETIME could not be found in table MDLADPT: FUNCDEF TIMESTAMPDATETIME cou....,Installed the Windows PTF for Gen 8.6 Complete WKS86200/SO09618 on the new CSE to resolve the problem.
    When compiling COBOL/DB2 programs in Gen, how can the Version parameter in DB2 precompiler DSNHPC be used so there can be multiple versions of the package? ,Gen uses the same DB2 load lib that is specified in PARMLIB(TIRHE) to execute the precompiler program DSNHPC. To specify DBRM Version, that is done on the Application System Menu option 5 Bind options. VERSION(AUTO) puts the timestamp in the DBRM but....
    Do Gen applications support or are they compatible with Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)?,Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) allows multiple servers to run simultaneous Oracle instances to a single database using shared disk technology. Gen is not directly aware of the way Oracle RAC functions and is not specifically tested nor certif....


    Lynn Williams
    Senior Principal Support Engineer
    Broadcom Software