AutoSys Workload Automation

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  • 1.  Force Start Box and Child jobs at the sametime causing incorrect execution order

    Posted 8 days ago
    Edited by VEERA V 8 days ago

    Consider there are of two jobs [job A(FW job) and job B ] inside a BOX. Both Box and its sub jobs are all terminated State.

    If we force Start 3 jobs ( BOX job and its A and B jobs) at the same time by selecting all three from WCC console, for some time, job B is getting triggered first before Job A to start eventhough B is dependent on job A. Please advise why this is happening.

    Please What's the right approach to be followed here? We should only trigger terminated BOX job alone ? ( assuming all sub jobs are failed/not running state)

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2.  RE: Force Start Box and Child jobs at the sametime causing incorrect execution order

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 7 days ago

    Hi Veera,

    Yes, you should only force start the box and then the jobs in the box will follow their normal flow.  If you force start all three, you are asking the scheduler to do just that, start all three without any considerations to the conditions that normally apply.



  • 3.  RE: Force Start Box and Child jobs at the sametime causing incorrect execution order

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 6 days ago

    Issuing force start to a box alone is sufficient. 

    Force start should be used under specific abnormal scenarios only.
    However if there is a possibility of workflow in which some jobs in a box are still not completed before issuing force start to a box, then issue CHANGE_STATUS/INACTIVE to the box as a best practice, before issuing force start to a box.