Hi All,
I am encountering an issue while trying to connect to an Oracle database, and I would appreciate your help in resolving it. Below is the error message I am receiving:
ArDBConnection::connect: Connection to database [xxx], user [xxx] failed.
Error detail:
SQL State:08S01, Native Code: 0, ODBC code: [CA AA][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver]Socket closed.
SQL State:08001, Native Code: FFFFFFFC, ODBC code: [CA AA][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]Connection Dead.
Troubleshooting Steps Taken So Far:
Verified network connectivity between the application and the database server.
Checked database listener status, and it appears to be running.
Validated ODBC configuration settings for the Oracle Wire Protocol driver.
Ensured that the database server is reachable.
Despite these checks, the issue persists.
Has anyone encountered a similar error? Any guidance or suggestions on what else to check would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help.