Building on recent progress delivery work we've done to support Redis for distributed shared state (including for distributed rate limits, throughput quotas and key value storage), we are releasing an experimental enhancement to the Apply Circuit Breaker assertion. When configured to use Redis, it can distribute shared circuit breaker state across gateways connected to the same Redis instance.
Additionally, the enhanced assertion now includes support for breaking the circuit when a failure percentage of total service hits is reached (vs. an absolute failure count).
And it now includes support for only recognizing routing failures (vs. all other possibly policy failures) for all HTTP response status codes or a filtered list of HTTP response status codes.
If this is something of interest to you, please reply directly to me.
Experimental Features
Early access progressive delivery features that are rapidly developed by Layer7 and offered to customers for experimentation. Not intended for production use. Depending on user feedback, experimental features may be altered in or removed from future releases.
Layer7 support is not available. Users are encouraged to share feedback in Layer7 Communities as responses to this thread
Ben Urbanski
Product Manager, API Gateway
Layer7 API Management