I had recently deployed a 21.0.11 environment and was setting up the Maintenance job. This Job failed and since that time the WPs have stayed running and jobs are still working. but if I restart one of the WPs it will not re-connect and gives the below error in the log
20240806/161958.307 - U00003532 UCUDB: Checking data source ...
20240806/161958.322 - U00000002 EXISTS
20240806/161958.322 - U00003531 UCUDB: Error while checking data source (e.g. code conversion or driver problem, see log file).
20240806/161958.322 - U00003611 DB OPEN executed. Return Code = '0000000002'
20240806/161958.322 - U00003620 Routine 'UCMAIN_R' forces trace because of error.
20240806/161958.322 - U00000002 EXISTS
I tried launching the archive gui and get the same messages so assume something is stuck
any Idea on how to recover? Thanks for your help