Layer7 API Management

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  • 1.  Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Posted 20 days ago


    How can we enable http proxy for all outbound connections in CA API Gateway 11.1.1 at global level (i.e in form of cluster or system property, env variable or java argument etc) instead of changing each endpoint to enable proxy for outbound connectivity?

  • 2.  RE: Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 19 days ago

    We don't have any Global Proxy Option for HTTP Routing Assertion

  • 3.  RE: Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 19 days ago

    We don't have any global proxy option for Http Routing Assertion

  • 4.  RE: Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Posted 16 days ago

    I can see in other thread where they are adding an enhancement in 11.1.2 for a similar kind of requirement.

    Posting that reply here- "We're adding an enhancement in 11.1.2 to allow customers to set default cipher lists for inbound and/or outbound TLS globally via cluster-wide properties. Until then, you can open a support case to request a hotfix with similar behavior."

    Can we incorporate this requirement as well where we can set global proxy for http routing assertion so that all outbound traffic can go via proxy and we don't have to change individual endpoints or policies.

  • 5.  RE: Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 12 days ago

    Hello, Shubha. There is not time to include such an enhancement in 11.1.2 which is currently planned for end of March (subject to change). I have added it to the backlog, but based on other priorities, if we pick it up it would likely be post 11.2 in October (also subject to change). In the meantime, you might want to also submit your idea to the community ideas portal for upvoting by other customers.

    Ben Urbanski
    Product Manager, API Gateway
    Layer7 API Management

  • 6.  RE: Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 12 days ago


    I like the idea of being able to centrally manage some routing settings like this, and I would take it one step further and have "routing templates".  So instead of just setting global values, you can create templates that you then choose from in your routing assertions.  Because you may not want ALL of your traffic using a proxy or the same set of ciphers.

    But then I realized that you can already do that today by using fragments or encapsulated assertions.

    So you might consider wrapping your routing assertions inside of one or more encapsulated assertions, then you only have to make updates in one location, but maintain the flexibility to use different settings for different targets.

  • 7.  RE: Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Posted 11 days ago

    Thanks for the suggestion Joseph, but in our use case, APIs are already Live and to use fragments or encapsulated assertions, we anyways have to modify the API endpoint to use that fragment. That's why we are looking for some global setting to enable proxy for outbound traffic which can avoid code changes.

  • 8.  RE: Enable HTTP Proxy for outbound connections from CA API Gateway

    Posted 11 days ago

    Thanks Ben, completely understand that this enhancement would require changes in the product and hot fix won't be possible in current version. But thanks for adding it in the backlog.