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  • 1.  Configure a datasource to external oracle DB but it didn't work

    Posted 26 days ago
    Edited by Miller Echagarreta 22 days ago

    Hi Everyone.

    I need configure a datasource to extern DB but it didn't work. Maybe i have some bad on the configuration

    This is the configuration from documentation:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@<dbserver>:CA Portal:<service name>

    this is my configuration:

                    jdbc_driver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
                    jdbc_url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@

    I have doubt with the part "CA Portal" what need i change here ? i put the name of the service but it didn't work

    Best Regards...!!!

  • 2.  RE: Configure a datasource to external oracle DB but it didn't work

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 26 days ago

    Hi Miller,

    What documentation are you referencing?

    What exactly are you tryiing to accomplish?

    Are you trying to use the adogtw probe to connect to an external database?

    Determine the correct URL of your Oracle database. The URL should be in one of the following formats:
    dbhost = the database hostname
    dbport = the database listen port (default is 1521)
    sid = the service id for the database 
    sn = the service name alias for the database
    To see what service name aliases are available for connection requests, login as the SYS account and execute the query..
    select con_id, name from v$services;
    If youre using the jdbc_response probe, format is:
    jdbc:oracle:thin:@IP address:Port Number:Database Name
    You may also want to look at the adogtw probe:

    adogtw configuration


    Steve Danseglio
    Technical Support Engineer 4 | IMS Division
    UIM Certified Expert
    KCSv6 Practices Certified
    Certified Customer Success Manager (CCSM) Level 1

  • 3.  RE: Configure a datasource to external oracle DB but it didn't work

    Posted 22 days ago

    Steve, excuse me for not being clear...!!!

    I am configure a datasource for a widget... I have doubt with the part "CA Portal" what need i change here ? i put the name of the service but it didn't work

    Best regards...!!!

  • 4.  RE: Configure a datasource to external oracle DB but it didn't work

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 22 days ago

    I believe this is a documentation error, it should just say "port" not "CA Portal."   You should put the port that the database listens on (e.g. 1521 for Oracle usually)

  • 5.  RE: Configure a datasource to external oracle DB but it didn't work

    Posted 13 days ago



  • 6.  RE: Configure a datasource to external oracle DB but it didn't work

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 5 days ago

    Tech doc page has been updated. Thank you all for sharing.



    Rajesh B