Automic Workload Automation

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  • 1.  Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted Feb 19, 2023 05:55 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Aug 29, 2023 04:17 AM

    Using a custom AWI favorite icon

    If you are not satisfied with the built-in AWI icon or the solid-color icons associated with the session colors, it is possible to use your own icon instead.

    New AWI icon

    Here is my new AWI icon, redrawn by hand in Affinity Designer.

    AWI icons with colored borders

    And here are the variants with colored borders — one for each of our staging environments.


    A ZIP file containing all icons in PNG, ICO, and SVG formats is attached below.

    Open the SVG files in a drawing program to see how the designs are constructed or to make your own customizations.

    Changing the AWI icon using session colors

    There is a way to associate a custom icon with each session color. This approach involves specifying session colors, and creating a specially-named ICO file for each one.

    Changing the default AWI icon

    It can be useful to assign a particular icon to each AWI server, regardless of the session color.

    New approach

    To override the default AWI favorite icon, just place the ICO file you want to use in the main AWI directory and give it the name favicon_E6E6E6.ico. (The color with hexadeximal RGB value E6E6E6 is the light shade of gray next to No Color in the Session Color menu.)

    Update 2023.04.14 10:00 CEST: It looks like I spoke too soon. Sadly, the above approach appears not to work. In my initial test, the browser had been loading a cached icon, not the icon from the AWI server. The original approach, described below, still works.

    Original approach

    In 2016 I shared some ideas about Web Interface customization, including an idea for using color-coded custom icons to replace the default favicon.ico file. I discovered then than one can customize the AWI favorite icon by replacing the default icon file located in a JAR file inside the AWI WAR file.



  • 2.  RE: Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted Feb 19, 2023 07:18 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Feb 19, 2023 07:43 AM

    We use the different colored icons to make it easy to quickly distinguish our staging environments:

    Orange Experimental 2
    Yellow Experimental 1
    Blue Development
    Green Testing
    Red Production

    As I have mentioned, we are in the process of migrating from one cloud provider to another, and will for at least a couple of years have AE systems running side-by-side in both clouds.

    As we prepare to migrate from one cloud provider to another, a new dilemma appears: how do we distinguish the AE systems of the same environment running in the two cloud providers from each other? For instance, how do we distinguish the Development system in the old cloud provider from the Development system in the new cloud provider? The logo can be customized and specified via the AUTOMIC_LOGO_FILENAME environment variable (or via logo.filename in But when we have many tabs open, how can we tell at a glance which tab belongs to which Development system?

    Recently one possible solution presented itself. The upper left corner of the AWI icon is essentially blank. This space can be used to insert the logo of the new cloud provider for AWI systems that are running there. This small change makes those AWI systems instantly recognizable. The logo is small, and when the whole favicon is displayed at the scale of 16x16 pixels, the logo inside the icon is mostly unrecognizable. However, if the favicons of the old systems remain as-is, without the additional small logo in the corner, then just the presence of the logo is enough to distinguish the new systems from the old.

    Just to give an idea of what it looks like, here are two Dev icons, side-by-side - one with a small star shape in the upper left hand corner.

    This is just one possibility. Another idea would be to change the colors of the spirograph inside. This would be even more easily distinguishable.

  • 3.  RE: Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted Mar 06, 2023 03:24 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Mar 09, 2023 07:37 AM

    I submitted a new idea: AWI: custom favicon

    If you like the idea, please vote for it.


    The AWI provides several options for theming, including the ability for administrators to assign a custom logo and colors to an AWI system.

    The AWI should also allow administrators to specify a custom favorite icon (favicon). The suggested new environment variables are listed in bold in the table below.

    Environment variable
    Example value
    AUTOMIC_LOGO_MIMETYPE image/svg+xml


    This would make it possible for administrators to hard-code a different custom favicon for each AE system, in turn making it easier for users to distinguish bookmarks and open browser tabs.


    Color-coded AWI icons
    Custom AWI logo in SVG format
    Configure AWI via environment variables

  • 4.  RE: Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted Mar 09, 2023 08:40 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Apr 13, 2023 12:52 PM


  • 5.  RE: Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted Apr 13, 2023 12:52 PM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Apr 13, 2023 12:53 PM
      |   view attached

    Here is an improved version of my AWI favorite icon, including the versions with colored borders.

    Improvements include:

    • The dark background is #1E1E1E instead of pure black.
    • The green border is a darker shade, #00C400.
    • The spirograph is constructed using a smaller number of shapes.
    • The shapes are more precisely positioned & oriented.

    A ZIP file containing all icons in PNG, ICO, and SVG formats is attached.


    AWI   698 KB 1 version

  • 6.  RE: Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted Apr 09, 2024 11:26 AM

    Thanks, I'll use those for my teams channel integrations

  • 7.  RE: Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted Apr 24, 2024 09:24 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Apr 24, 2024 12:05 PM

    We recently automated replacement of the favicon.ico file during AWI deployment. Below is the relevant snippet from the deployment pipeline. This bit of shell scripting replaces the default favicon.ico file with the color-coded icon specific to the target environment.

    The ENV_COLOR variable is set to one of the environment-specific colors (orage, yellow, blue, green, red) by a variable group associated with the deployment stage. The file is just the awi.war file, renamed.

    # Replace favorite icon file based on environment.
    shopt -s extglob
    echo "Environment: ${RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTNAME}"
    echo "Env. color: $ENV_COLOR"
    case "$ENV_COLOR" in
      echo "Replacing favicon.ico with ${ENV_COLOR}-bordered icon for ${RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTNAME} environment."
      unzip WEB-INF/bundle/webui-vaadin-framework-theme.jar
      mkdir -p VAADIN/themes/oneui
      cp ${SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY}/devops/icons/favicon_${ENV_COLOR}.ico VAADIN/themes/oneui/favicon.ico
      zip WEB-INF/bundle/webui-vaadin-framework-theme.jar VAADIN/themes/oneui/favicon.ico
      zip WEB-INF/bundle/webui-vaadin-framework-theme.jar
      rm -rf WEB-INF VAADIN
      echo "Environment color $ENV_COLOR is unknown. Skipping replacement of favicon.ico file."

    Until the Automation Engine is updated to make customization of the favorite icon easier, the above approach works pretty well. Enjoy!

  • 8.  RE: Color-coded AWI icons

    Posted 29 days ago
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry 29 days ago

    We are in the process of migrating from AE on VMs to AAKE in Kubernetes clusters.

    With AAKE, the AWI is provided as one of several Docker images. The file webui-vaadin-framework-theme.jar is nested inside one of the layers of the awi image, in the directory /usr/awi/plugins/framework-bundles.

    Can anyone propose a way to replace the favicon.ico file dynamically, just before the AWI is started?