Compliance Event Manager

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Check Out the Latest Enhancements for Compliance Event Manager

  • 1.  Check Out the Latest Enhancements for Compliance Event Manager

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Feb 02, 2024 10:31 AM

    The Compliance Event Manager team is pleased to announce our latest enhancements. We encourage all customers to take advantage of these new offerings. To try them out, download the Compliance Event Manager PTFs LU11975/LU11976 from Broadcom Support.

    • View Extents Usage for Policy Database in UI: 
      This enhancement displays the number of extents that the Compliance Event Manager policy database (MAPDB data set) is using.

      An extent is allocated to hold the data in a data set. As data in the policy database data set, MAPDB, grows, it allocates up to 16 extents. When the MAPDB data set reaches the limit, the product can no longer add or update policy. The extent value is helpful for determining whether the MAPDB data set is becoming full so that you can proactively add space. For more information, see Review the Policy Database Information.

    • View Statement Descriptions in Policy Count Modal and STATUS Output:
      This enhancement displays the description of each policy statement in the Policy Count modal of the Policy Status UI page and in the STATUS command output. Previously, the product provided only a statement number. Displaying the statement description makes it easier to correlate a policy statement with the security events.

    • Improved Policy Set View Flow:
      The View Policy Set UI page includes enhancements to improve the flow. This page now supports the Copy option and the ability to collapse and expand policy statements and actions within each set.

    • RACF Permit Group and Type Substitution Variables and Criteria:
      The product now supports specifying a RACF Permit Group (PERMGRP) and RACF Permit Type (RACPTYPE) as substitution variables or criteria for Object Access Events. When building policies, include the substitution variables in actions to substitute the variable with its dynamic value. Include the criteria in policy statements to narrow the scope of the monitoring. For more information, see Object Access Events. (Login required to view this page.)

      • RACF Permit Group (PERMGRP): Indicates the RACF permit group that is used for resource validation.

      • RACF Permit Type (RACPTYPE): Indicates the RACF permit type that is used for resource validation.

    • Support for Java Version 11:
      The product now supports IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11, Service Level 20 ( or higher. For all supported Java versions, see the Address Software Requirements.

      Compliance Event Manager defaults to Java 8. To switch your existing Compliance Event Manager instance to use Java 11, apply the PTF and perform the procedures in (Optional) Configure Java 11 Support. For new installations, configure the product to use Java 11 as part of the normal installation process.

    • Policy Database Version 10 or Higher Required:
      Compliance Event Manager requires that the policy database (MAPDB data set) be at a minimum of Version 10. If your policy database is running a lower version than Version 10, you cannot log in to the user interface. Upgrade to the latest MAPDB version for the most current features and maintenance. See Upgrade the Policy Database Version (CEMUPMAP).

    • Completed Transition from LDAP/Policy Server to REST API:
      Compliance Event Manager has completed the transition to use a REST API for policy management in the user interface instead of using LDAP/Policy Server. Previously, Compliance Event Manager moved from an external LDAP Server to a self-contained Policy Server as the product transitioned to the REST API. With this maintenance, the transition is complete, and the self-contained Policy Server is no longer required. All functionality has moved to the REST API.

    Thank you!

    -- The Compliance Event Manager Team

    Principal Technical Writer
    Mainframe Software Division