DX Application Performance Management

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  • 1.  AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Posted Jun 07, 2021 12:07 PM
    I have done the wrapping of the application from the web, but when I try to install on the cell phone, I get a message that tells me that it has not been possible. It should be noted that the cell phone is configured to install the programs from the APKs.
    I also tried to integrate the AXA SDK with the Gradel following the instructions on the web page, but it gives me errors, since it does not recognize the modifications that I make.

    AXA Gradel

    Note: The links for the documentation on the web are still pointing to the old documentation.

  • 2.  RE: AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 08, 2021 02:14 AM
    HI Carlos, 

    It would be very helpful to see the actual error message.

    To see the error, and to have more configuration options, you could try to use the Command Line option, meaning download the wrapper utility to a local machine. Our wrapping tool uses an open source tool called apktool. This tool reverse engineers the binary Android package, and instruments methods in it based on regex rules in .. \emm\conf\Android.xml or android-cordova.xml file.
    It will also attempt to check and modify the AndroidManifest.xml to add required permissions, so maybe this failed, and hence wrapping went wrong...to avoid this, use flag -r with the command line wrapper. Also use -v to see all the error messages

    You need the following permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml, or else the data collection will fail. 

    Required Permissions in AndroidManifest.xm


    • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

    Optional but recommended(if these permissions are not specified the SDK will not capture the corresponding events/matrix)

    • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> // or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"

    Of course, the SDK will not capture any location info  or Wifi related stuffs, if the optional permissions are not there in the manifest. Also we might notice some exception stack trace like "WifiService: Neither user 10193 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE." if the ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission is not given to the application, but this will not affect any functionality

    Manual wrapping on Linux, OS X and Windows

    You can also use the wrapper manually on Linux, macosx and windows with the following steps (Windows). Replace apk, plist and wrapper utility name with the ones that use use:

    1. Unzip the CAMobileAppAnalytics-wrapper.zip to c:\AXA
    2. set CA_EMM_HOME=c:\AXA\emm
    3. Run the following command (replace your apk and plist file names)

    java -jar ca-maa-android-sdk-wrapper-<version>.jar –verbose -apk "app-debug.apk" -plist "app_camdo.plist" -rules AUTO_DETECT -signconfig emm/conf/jarsigner.properties -disablejsinterception "false" -buildtype "release" -nores "release"

    NOTE: We use 32-bit zipalign - binary with the wrapper.  Some customers need a 64-bit one. If this is required, download and replace the default one in the wrapper ../emm/bin/android/linux -folder 

  • 3.  RE: AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 08, 2021 04:40 AM
    Hello again, 

    Depending on the error message, it also may be that you haven't signed the apk with your own key...self-certificate is not valid with most apks when you install them on an actual handset


  • 4.  RE: AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Posted Jun 08, 2021 12:49 PM
      |   view attached
    Thank you for the information.
    The error is:


    wrapped.log   20 KB 1 version

  • 5.  RE: AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 09, 2021 01:50 AM
    Hello Carlos

    OK, your apk is not signed with a security certificate. This step is mentioned in the instructions for the online wrapping:

    Using Online Wrapper

    Follow these steps to integrate your Android

    1. Upload your App's apk file ( Optional: select  to ignore resources and then upload your app's apk file )
    2. Download the wrapped apk
    3. Sign the wrapped apk with your certificate

    If you do not have an enterprise certificate from your company, for testing you can probably generate your own, as long as you have JDK installed on a linux/windows box. Then you also need the jarsigner and zipaling tools:

    keytool in /java/bin   jarsigner and zipaling in Android build-tools

    1. keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 20000

    2. jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore debug.keystore yourapkalign.apk android

    3. zipalign -v 4 yourapk.apk yourapkalign.apk

    4. adb install apk

    If there are errors such as jarsigner: unable to sign jar: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry compressed size', try renaming the apk to zip, and then open up, remove the META-INF -folder, rename to apk  again and try. Take a backup of the original first

    Make sure JAVA_HOME is set so that jarsigner can be found

  • 6.  RE: AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Posted Jun 09, 2021 06:21 PM
    Hello Janne,
    Using apksigner.jar it is working:

    java -jar build-tools\30.0.3\lib\apksigner.jar sign -v --out app_align_sign.apk --ks debug.keystore --ks-key-alias android app_align.apk

  • 7.  RE: AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Posted Sep 25, 2024 06:12 PM
    Edited by Leola Bradtke Sep 30, 2024 03:02 AM

    One with the APK installation on your phone and another with integrating the AXA SDK via Gradle. For the APK installation problem, although your phone is configured to install from APKs, it's possible that the APK is either corrupted or not properly signed, which can prevent installation. You can try re-signing the APK and ensuring it meets the necessary requirements for Android. As for the AXA SDK integration, errors from Gradle typically occur if the dependencies or configurations in your build.gradle file are incorrect or missing. Double-check that you've added all required dependencies and synced the project properly after making changes. If Gradle still doesn't recognize your modifications, it may help to clean the project and rebuild, or ensure the SDK version is compatible with your project's current configuration.

  • 8.  RE: AXA Android: How can I install the wrapped application on Android or integrate it with Gradle?

    Posted Sep 30, 2024 10:15 AM

    It seems like you're encountering two separate issues: one related to installing the APK and another with integrating the AXA SDK. For the Loklok Apk installation issue, even though your phone is set to allow APK installations, the error could be due to several factors, such as an incomplete APK build, compatibility issues with your device, or missing permissions in the manifest. I recommend double-checking the APK build for any errors, ensuring it's signed correctly, and that the Android version matches your device's requirements. As for the AXA SDK integration issue, if Gradle isn't recognizing your modifications, it's possible that the changes weren't synced properly, or there could be version conflicts or missing dependencies. Make sure you're following the correct setup instructions for the SDK version you're using, and try cleaning and rebuilding the project after each modification to ensure Gradle catches the changes. If the issue persists, checking the log output and error messages could help pinpoint the exact problem.