Automic Workload Automation

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  • 1.  AWI v21 URLs

    Posted Mar 16, 2023 10:01 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Feb 22, 2024 06:15 AM

    AWI v21 URL schema

    Version 21 introduces an updated URL schema that is more straightforward and consistent. The overall structure takes the form


    Base URL (including AE connection)

    The most notable improvement is a simplification to the format of the base URL. Unlike with earlier versions, with v21 it is no longer necessary to specify the system name and client number using a hash link like #AE_PROD:0500. Instead, the system and client now form part of the base URL, just after the host name and awi. In AWI v21, the base URL takes the form



    • hostname is the host name of the AWI server;
    • system is AE system name; and
    • client is the AE client number (0000-9999).


    The rest of the AWI URL is separated from the base URL by a single at character (@). The portion of the URL after the at symbol indicates the AWI perspective.


    Each AWI Perspective has its own path

    Administration https://hostname/awi/system/client@administration 
    Process Assembly https://hostname/awi/system/client@pa 
    Process Monitoring https://hostname/awi/system/client@pm 
    Service Catalog https://hostname/awi/system/client@sc 
    Dashboards https://hostname/awi/system/client@home 


        The portion of the path immediately after the perspective determines the view within that perspective.


        Explorer https://hostname/awi/system/client@pa/explorer 
        Explorer - specific folder https://hostname/awi/system/client@pa/explorer?folder=folder-OH_Idnr
        Specific object https://hostname/awi/system/client@pa/view/object-name
        Search for object https://hostname/awi/system/client@pa/searchresult?object-name=search-term
        Search for task https://hostname/awi/system/client@pm/overview?taskNameFilter=search-term
        Show specific task https://hostname/awi/system/client@pm/overview?runIdFilter=run_ID
        Activities (all queues) https://hostname/awi/system/client@pm/overview
        Users https://hostname/awi/system/client@administration/users
        Connections https://hostname/awi/system/client@administration/connections
        Agents https://hostname/awi/system/client@administration/agents
        Agent Groups https://hostname/awi/system/client@administration/agentGroups
        Automation Engine Process & Utilization https://hostname/awi/system/client@administration/usage


        URL parameters are separated from the main body of the URL by a single question mark character (?). When multiple parameters are specified, subsequent parameters are separated from each other by a single ampersand character (&).


        The valid parameters depend on the perspective and view — e.g., the folder parameter of the explorer view in the table above.

        Explorer pa/explorer folder OH_Idnr of target folder
        Object pa/view/object-name navigation Selected sheet. (See table below.)
        Workflow monitor pm/monitor/object-name id Run ID of workflow
        Report pm/report idnr Run ID of task
        Object search pa/searchresult object-name Name of object to search for
        Task name search pm/overview taskNameFilter Name of task to search for
        Task run ID search pm/overview runIdFilter Run ID of task to search for

        The AE documentation page Structure of the URLs describes additional parameters.

        Selected sheet

        When viewing or editing an object in the Process Assembly perspective, the navigation parameter specifies the particular properties sheet to display. Sheets are the tabs and sub-tabs of the object viewer/editor.


        There are many different sheets; the available sheets depend on the object type.

        Selected sheet
        Default for object type   default
        General   sheet.simpleoverview
        General Sync sheet.sync
        General Runtime sheet.runtime
        General Object Authorizations sheet.object.authorizations
        Attributes   sheet.attributes
        Process   sheet.script
        Process Pre-Process sheet.script_pre
        Process Post-Process sheet.script_post
        Output   sheet.output_scan
        Variables & Prompts Variables sheet.variables
        Variables & Prompts Prompt Sets sheet.prompts
        Rollback sheet.rollback
        Version Management sheet.version
        Documentation sheet.documentation.Docu
        Rapid Automation   sheet.ra
        Console Event Event Process sheet.event.console.script
        DB Event Event Process sheet.event.db.script
        File Event Event Process sheet.event.file.script
        Time Event Event Process sheet.event.time.script

        Login parameters

        Login parameters let you provide some or all of the details required to log in to the AWI if you are not already logged in.

        department Department / AD domain / Kerberos realm MYCORP
        logintype Use AE or SSO? (AE/SAML/KERBEROS) SAML
        autologin Enable auto-login? (true/false) true
        language AWI language (en/de/fr) en

        For single sign-on to work in a fully automated way, the parameters department, logintype, and autologin must be specified.


        There is also a name parameter, applicable only with logintype=AE, ; this can be used in conjunction with the password parameter if parameter_login.with_password=true is set in This undocumented property is disabled by default. It is not recommended to save passwords in URLs.

        AWI deep links

        If single sign-on and parameterized login are enabled, one can use carefully constructed URLs that will log the user in to the AWI automatically and navigate to a particular object, task, or view.

        By combining parameters, you can also create deep links almost any location within the AWI. This makes it easy to save bookmarks and share links with colleagues. Here's an example from our wiki page. We added AWI icons to improve readability.

        Tips & tricks

        • Replace hash characters (#) in object names with %23 in AWI URLs.
        • Remove object ID numbers (OH_Idnr) from URLs before saving or sharing them. If the object ID of an object changes (e.g., when an object is deleted and recreated), a URL containing an object ID will navigate to any new object with that ID and not the named object.

        This discussion is based on the earlier document AWI v12.3 URLs.