Original Message:
Sent: Dec 26, 2024 06:19 PM
From: Zhijun He
Subject: About OpenID certificate renewal
You can try another action "View & Modify", after change and save, flush the cache of the policy server.
Please verify it on a lower environment.
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 23, 2024 03:43 AM
Subject: About OpenID certificate renewal
Hi Team,
We have a question so thank you in advance.
CA Single Sign-On 12.8 sp6
・SSO product: CA Single Sign-On 12.8 sp6 (Policy server and Access Gateway server are both configured as one machine)
・Policy store, user store, session store: RDBMS (SQL Server Azure VM (SQL Server 2016 SE SP2))
Deploy the above on Azure, and use CA Access Gateway's OpenID Connect to build an authentication infrastructure that operates as an OpenID Connect Provider.
Please let us know if there is a procedure for renewing certificates in Siteminder that does not involve stopping at the policy server.
The current procedure is to "disable" the client configured for OpenID connection and then renew the certificate from "Trusted Certificates and Private Keys".
After updating the certificate, the client configured for OpenID connection is changed to "Enabled".
We would like to eliminate the time required to change the client settings for OpenID connections from "disabled" to "enabled" if possible.