Dear UIM Community Members, to help you catch up with so much going on the Community, this is a recap of some of the great content and activity from the previous month.
End of Service Announcement for CA Unified Infrastructure Management Product components
End of Platform Support Announcement for CA Unified Infrastructure Management Product components
End of Service Announcement for CA Unified Infrastructure Management 8.4.7
Demo Series : Generic Monitoring using RESTMon with CA Unified Infrastructure Management 9.x
Why CA UIM 9.0.2 : Extended Platform and DB version Currency Support
Demo Series : Migration of legacy MCS templates to newer Alarm Policies
Demo Series : Newer Alarm policies for Remote and high scale probes
Demo Series : Enhanced Sub Tenancy with UIM 9.0.2
New Tech Tips
Tech tip: net_connect fails to open: communication error / Run-time error '91'
Tech Tip: url_response probe 4.43 does not allow _ or - in profile names
Tech tip: jvm_monitor does not send QOS_DEFINITION for QOS_JVM_THREADCOUNT
Tech Tip: usage_metering probe: FATAL Error messages
Tech Tip: CDM cannot read network metrics (QOS_NETWORK_*) in Ubuntu 16
Tech Tip: Unable to embed UMP dashboards within web page: Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'
How to deploy uim packages in a high-latency network
Time frame for logmon Minimum Match Count
How to use automatic discovery to find devices with ecoMeter
Tech Tip : How to check if UIM database is receiving QOS data.
Tech Tip: CA UIM / CABI - "Top Groups by Alarm" dashlet not all expected origins/groups are shown
New Ideas - please VOTE!
fsmounts probe supported for AIX 7
processes probe - add 'samples' option to it
CA UIM (DXI SaaS and On-premise) DB2 Probe Enhancement/Fix Request
AutoTask Custom Fields
Support for veritas cluster 7
SDGTW probe support for London version of ServiceNow
Need a APM to UIM integration
DIRSCAN - Regular Expression Enhancement
Recently Answered Questions
End of Service Announcements
How to retrieve CPU metrics from UIM via REST API?
What is the correct procedure for APM input into UIM
Processes probe combining like processes utilization?
Your feedback is greatly appreciated!