AutoSys Workload Automation

  • 1.  CA Tuesday Tip: CA WAAE 11.3 Cross-Instance Dependency

    Posted Mar 27, 2012 02:44 PM
    CA Autosys Tuesday Tip by John McCarthy, Sr. Support Engineer for 03/27/12

    CA WAAE r11.3 can be configured for cross-instance dependency with CA WAAE r11.0. However, To do so the 11.3 instance can't utilize instance wide encryption.

    To configure CA WAAE r11.3 for cross-instance scheduling is describe in the CA WAAE r11.3 User Guide.

    Define an External Instance

    To use cross-instance scheduling, you must define the external instance to CA Workload Automation AE. The external instance can be another CA Workload Automation AE instance or a scheduling manager running on another platform.

    To define an external instance

    1- Do one of the following:

    - Issue JIL in interactive mode.
    - Open a JIL script in a text editor.

    2 -Specify the following definition:

    insert_xinst: instance_name
    xtype: a | c | u | e
    xmachine: host_name
    xtype: a | c | u | e

    Specifies the external instance type. Options include the following:

    a-Identifies a remote CA Workload Automation AE application server instance.
    c-Identifies a CA AutoSys Workload Automation Connect Option instance.
    u-Identifies a CA Universal Job Management Agent or CA NSM instance.
    e-Identifies a CA Workload Automation EE instance.

    3 - (CA Workload Automation AE instances only) Specify the following additional attributes:

    xcrypt_type: NONE | DEFAULT | AES
    xkey_to_manager: encryption_key
    xport: port_number

    4 - (CA Workload Automation EE instances only) Specify the following additional attributes:

    xmanager: manager_name
    xport: port_number
    xcrypt_type: NONE | AES
    xkey_to_manager: encryption_key

    5 - Do one of the following:

    - Enter exit if you are using interactive mode.
    - Redirect the script to the jil command if you are using a script.

    The insert_xinst subcommand is issued and the specified external instance is defined.

    To configure CA WAAE r11.0 for cross-instance scheduling is describe in the CA WAAE r11.0 User Guide

    insert_xinst Subcommand-Add a Cross-Instance Definition

    The insert_xinst subcommand adds a new cross-instance definition to the Unicenter AutoSys JM database for one of the following:

    - Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server
    - Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect
    - Unicenter Job Management Option

    This subcommand has the following format:

    insert_xinst: external_instance

    Defines the unique name of the external instance to add.

    Limits: This value can be up to three alphanumeric characters in length.

    If you specify external_instance in lowercase characters, the product converts the value to uppercase.

    Example: Define a Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server External Instance

    This example defines a Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server external instance called ACE to run on machineA and port 9000:

    insert_xinst: ACE
    xtype: a
    xmachine: machineA\:9000

    Example: Define Multiple Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server External Instances

    This example defines multiple Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server external instances called ACE to run on machineA at port 9000 and on machineB at port 9001:

    insert_xinst: ACE
    xtype: a
    xmachine: machineA\:9000
    xmachine: machineB\:9001

  • 2.  RE: CA Tuesday Tip: CA WAAE 11.3 Cross-Instance Dependency

    Posted Mar 27, 2012 04:32 PM
    Thank John for posting this discussion on CA WAAE 11.3 Cross-Instance Dependency.
