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NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

  • 1.  NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Sep 14, 2009 04:57 PM
    I've had this question pop up now and then, so I thought I should share it with the rest of you.
    The attached script could be scheduled to run in the morning, giving you an email of the nightly alarm events.  Note that the check_alarm function can also be used to list alarms in the provided time-window related to the last night or whenever.


    -- Script to dump alarms that happened within a time-period e.g during last night/evening
    recipient    = "user@company.com"
    timezone_ofs = 0
    -- Uncomment for manual timezone ofset override.
    -- timezone_ofs = -7200      -- GMT+2

    -- This function checks if the alarm has arrived within a predefined period
    --    E.g check_alarm (a,18,8)           -- will return true if alarm arrived last night
    --        check_alarm (1,21,06,false)    -- will return true if alarm arrived in timewindow regardless.
    function check_alarm(a,t1,t2,last_night)
       local d,midnight,pstart,pend

       if t1==nil then t1=0 end
       if t2==nil then t2=6 end
       if last_night==nil then last_night=true end

       if last_night then
          d = math.floor (timestamp.now() / 86400)
          d = math.floor (a.arrival / 86400)  

       midnight = d*86400 + timezone_ofs     -- compute 'last' midnight for alarm (adjusted with timezone)

       if t1 > t2 then
          pstart   = midnight + (t1 * 3600)
          pend     = midnight + 3600*24 + (t2 * 3600)  -- adjust till "todays" midnight
          pstart   = midnight + (t1 * 3600)
          pend     = midnight + (t2 * 3600)

       if a.arrival >= pstart and a.arrival <= pend then
          return true

       return false

    -- Get active alarms
    al  = alarm.list()
    buf = ""

    for i,a in pairs(al) do

       -- auto timezone: use the first alarm with tz_offset as the timezone_ofs
       if timezone_ofs == 0 and a.tz_offset ~= nil then
          timezone_ofs = a.tz_offset

       if a.level > NIML_CLEAR then
          -- check alarms between 22 and 06, last night
          if check_alarm(a,22,06) then
             buf = buf .. sprintf ("\n%s - %s %s %s %s",timestamp.format(a.arrival),a.nimid, a.hostname, a.severity, a.message)

    if buf ~= "" then
       action.email (recipient,"Nightly Alarm Report",buf)

  • 2.  NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Sep 25, 2009 02:43 PM

    The script works fine until he comes to the part of:
    if buf ~= "" then
    action.email (recipient,"Nightly Alarm Report",buf)
    The script stops at the if. I checked that the buf is not empty (I'm able to print it). When I change the condition "if buf ~= "" then" TO "if buf ~= nil then" then he is sending the mail but empty... Any ideas why this isn't working?
    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,

  • 3.  NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Sep 30, 2009 04:44 PM
    Try to declare the buf and al as local variables.

    local al    = alarm.list()
    local buf  = ""

    you change the test as you describe ( if buf ~= nil then ) then
    remember it is already declared as a blank string "", and that is
    definitely not nil, hence the empty mail.

    Can't really see what else is wrong with the script, could there be control-characters in your file as part of your copy ?

    Can you provide an output, add the following before the test:

    printf("buf: %s",buf)
    if buf ~= "" then
       action.email (recipient,"Nightly Alarm Report",buf)


  • 4.  NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Oct 13, 2009 02:39 PM

    The following check always reports false with each alert:

    if a.arrival >= pstart and a.arrival <= pend then
    return true
    return false

    That is why it is not inserting any alert into the buffer... Even though I'm sure different alerts occurred during the night.

    Best regards,

  • 5.  Re: NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Sep 29, 2011 08:49 AM



    Does this work with the current version of the nas probe?


    I have just copied and pasted this script into the nas and while it compiles without error, I fail to receive the email and I am not seeing a log in the emailgtw.


    If I run the example-html-email-alarms script, it works without error and I receive the email.




  • 6.  Re: NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Sep 29, 2011 06:23 PM

    If I understand the script correctly, I think these lines need to be changed:


       if t1 > t2 then
          pstart   = midnight + (t1 * 3600)
          pend     = midnight + 3600*24 + (t2 * 3600)  -- adjust till "todays" midnight


    And they should read as follows instead:


       if t1 > t2 then
          pstart   = midnight + (t1 * 3600) - 86400
          pend     = midnight + (t2 * 3600)


    Give that a shot and see if it helps. When tesitng, make sure you have alarms in your NAS that arrived within the right time range to appear in the report.

  • 7.  Re: NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Jan 21, 2014 10:27 PM

    Would it be possible to change this script to generate a report of all alerts in the previous week?  I'm just starting LUA and do not fully understand this script enough to make changes to it.

  • 8.  Re: NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Jan 22, 2014 10:26 AM
      |   view attached

    Hi ssakai,


    You could, but depending on your requirements it might be simples to just create a new script. This script only fetches currently active alarms, if you'd like to report on all alarms as you said, you might want to check out alarm.history() or alarm.query(). I'll attach nas whitepaper which is very helpful.


    Here's a quick example for looping through lastweeks alarms (notice there's a difference between last week and previous 7 days)


    for _,alarm in pairs(alarm.history('lastweek')) do
       for alarm_property,alarm_value in pairs(alarm) do
          printf ("%s:\t%s", alarm_property, alarm_value)


    The script posted originally in this thread is kind of specific, if you find your's differs much, I suggest you start a new thread on it.




    nas-4.20.pdf   2.29 MB 1 version

  • 9.  Re: NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted May 11, 2015 07:48 AM

    I've created a new thread for the 7 day report



  • 10.  Re: NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Jul 15, 2015 07:46 AM

    This works for me!


    require ("library/html-alarms-lib")



    recipient   = "J@cem.com"

    title       = "Nimsoft - 24 Hour Alert Report"



    buf = ""

    buf = buf .. html_start (title)

    buf = buf .. html_alarms (transactions)

    buf = buf .. html_end ()



    day = 60*60*24

    past_day = timestamp.now() - day

    past_week = timestamp.now() - 7*day

    past_month = timestamp.now() - 30*day




    query = "select * from NAS_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY where created > \"" .. timestamp.format(past_day, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .. "\";"

    data, rc = database.query(query);



    email_msg = "\n"

    email_msg = email_msg .. sprintf("%-25s%-25s%-20s%-40s%s\n", "created", "visibility", "origin", "host", "message")



    for _, x in pairs(data) do

       closed = "open"



       if x.closed then

          closed = x.closed




       email_msg = email_msg .. sprintf("%-25s%-25s%-20s%-40s%s\n",x.created, x.visible, x.origin, x.hostname, x.message) 










    --print (email_msg)

  • 11.  Re: NAS script to generate a report of alarms that occured last night

    Posted Jun 23, 2016 11:09 AM

    Hi All,


    It was amazing in order to keep on track the amount of alerts are being generated per day, however I would like to know if it would be possible to plot graph instead of text line. I am looking for any way to have a quickly report with Top most common alerts.



