
  • 1.  Endevor processor for C C++ element  link edit and compilation

    Posted Jul 07, 2014 08:17 AM



    Is it possible to compile and link edit C C++ element through Endevor processor?  If so, can you please share compile and link edit step?



  • 2.  Re: Endevor processor for C C++ element  link edit and compilation

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 07, 2014 08:27 AM

    HI shoba.muthaiyan,


    There are quite a few users linking "C" programs with Endevor, and we can easily point you to examples, but I suspect most of them are using C for Z/OS, is that what you're talking about here? or do you mean a distributed system (PC, Mac or Linux) compile?  The question really is 'where' do you need the compile and link to take place?

  • 3.  Re: Endevor processor for C C++ element  link edit and compilation

    Posted Jul 08, 2014 06:16 AM

    Hi Eoin,


    I am looking for "C for Z/OS"

  • 4.  Re: Endevor processor for C C++ element  link edit and compilation

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 08, 2014 03:44 PM

    Thanks for the clarification - and Oops it looks like an oversight, while there are sample processors for COBOL, ASM, CICSMAPS, SDFII etc. the Doc does not include a sample C processor.  I'm trying to track one down for you that I can share (and then perhaps add to the Doc) but if anyone else in the community has one they are proud of - please feel free to share.

  • 5.  Re: Endevor processor for C C++ element  link edit and compilation
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 07, 2014 01:35 PM
      |   view attached

    Hello shoba


    I have an old example (see attached file). Sorry that I can;t find  the includes.   Try this as a reference for you  and I hope it helps something.




    CPPPROCESOR.txt.zip   4 KB 1 version

  • 6.  Re: Endevor processor for C C++ element  link edit and compilation

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 18, 2014 08:49 AM

    Hi Efren,


    Your sample looks like a nice fully featured processor - I suspect that the includes are fairly standard, and probably site specific anyway, but the key steps and methods are there.  Thanks for sharing.

