Service Virtualization

Dynamic response based on dataset

  • 1.  Dynamic response based on dataset

    Posted May 14, 2014 05:04 PM


    I am trying to virtualize webservices component using LISA.  
    Example request/response SOAP message :-
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    What we wanted is based on Request field1 value("req1"), responses needs to be generated.  Say for example,
    if Request field1 is "req2"
    then Response field1 should be "field1_rsp2", field2 should be "field2_rsp2" etc.
    Without creating mulitiple static Response XML for each request field1 value, is there any way to do it using scripting ? We use excel sheet to maintain this request response mapping.  Is there any way to use it inside the Response script editor ?
    Saravanan A