We have a workflow for project approval that issues action items to various management and business users to approve/reject projects. The workflow is working fine. But now I am trying to report on for every rejected project, who was the one who rejected the project.
I have found the action items issued by the process in the CAL_ACTION_ITEMS and CAL_ACTION_ITEM_ASSIGNEES tables, by specifying the object_id in the cal_action_items table. Depending on the project size, I might have a dozen or two action items associated with a single project approval. This gives me the action item itself and the user id who was assigned to the action item. I found I could join with the BPM_run_step_action_results table on the AI_ID column. But I am looking for a resolution of "approved" or "rejected". It looks like the table bpm_run_assignees has what I am looking for in the AI_STATUS_CODE, but what columns should I join with to be sure I am looking at the right action item(s)?