When analyzing bg-niku.log / bg-ca.log, we can find errors related to process and steps. We just see the internal ID and not their names which makes dificult to locate process in Clarity UI.
The error "com.niku.bpm.BpmException: Cannot get step definition by step ID xxxxxxx"
You can use following query to get more details from DataBase:
bdp.id process_id,
ccn.name process_name,
bdse.id step_id,
ccn.name step_name
from bpm_def_processes bdp
inner join bpm_def_process_versions bdpv on bdp.id = bdpv.process_id
inner join cmn_captions_nls ccn on bdp.id = ccn.pk_id
and ccn.table_name = 'BPM_DEF_PROCESSES'
and ccn.language_code = 'en'
inner join bpm_def_stages bdsa on bdpv.id = bdsa.process_version_id
inner join bpm_def_steps bdse on bdsa.id = bdse.stage_id
inner join cmn_captions_nls bdsecap on bdse.id = bdsecap.pk_id
and bdsecap.table_name = 'BPM_DEF_STEPS'
and bdsecap.language_code = 'en'