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  • 1.  Massive import of Project in Clarity 13

    Posted Mar 30, 2012 10:50 AM
    Hi, I was wondering if there is any kind of procedure or tool I can use to make a massive import of projects to Clarity.

    I'm working with a customer that needs to add over 1000 projects to Clarity. My idea is to XOG those projects out. What I was wondering if there is any kind of procedure I can use for example to add all those projects with their respective attributes to an excel sheet and then turn that out into an xml file to XOG that.

    I think I saw that kind of tool once but I might be wrong.

    If there is any other procedure I can use to make this massive import I will appreciate your suggestions.



  • 2.  RE: Massive import of Project in Clarity 13
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 30, 2012 02:40 PM
    There are all kinds of ways and tools to help XOGing.
    After the Integration guide there is a XOG board and there is a tutorial XOG - The Basics...
    The discussion on tools and migration options takes a new round every now and then.
    Some of it is under
    Data Migration Opinions?

    Keri Taylor has written guides for Style Vision and Mapforce
    XLS --> XML Conversion using StylusStudio2010 and Altova MapForce201

    Mike Kolasa was developing a GUI for the management of the files during XOGing.

    There are commercially available adapters for integrating Clarity with other systems including Excel.
    eg from DigitalCelerity

    ITRoissolutions has PPM Excel Interface

    It is up to you how much effort you want to put into the tool and how much effort does you data amount and transfer frequency justify.

    Martti K.

    P.S Then testing testing and testing so that you get your set up right and isolate things that don't go.