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 SOI spectrum connector - some CIs are not synchronized

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Stefan Pivoda's profile image
Broadcom Employee Stefan Pivoda posted Jan 11, 2022 07:03 AM
we have some CIs in Spectrum that are not sent via the SOI Spectrum connector ( to SOI.
for example the "Module" Type CIs are not synchronized (their Model Class is Component) from the printscreen below.
i think the reason could be some missing configuration for the connector that synchronizes this type/class of CIs.
could you please tell me whether it's possible to synchronize this type of CIs between Spectrum and SOI and if yes, how i can do it (or send me a doc/link)?
i've read the documentation for the connector, but it's not clear for me from it.
if it's not possible, what CIs can be synchronized, please?

thank you, stefan

Britta Hoffner's profile image
Britta Hoffner  Best Answer
Hello Stefan,

in the Spectrum Connector the Devices.xml and NonDevices.xml files configure which Models are published. This files reflect Spectrum Locator Searches. Please refer to the Article which describes how you can create a Locator Search to use in Spectrum Connector Configuration to add additional Models for publishing into SOI.

Kind regards,
Britta Hoffner
Jose Vicente Espinosa's profile image
Broadcom Employee Jose Vicente Espinosa
Hi Stefan,

i think you can configure additional model type using these files

Stefan Pivoda's profile image
Broadcom Employee Stefan Pivoda
hi @Britta Hoffner, could you please send me the  external link of the KB as i cant open it. thank you, stefan
Britta Hoffner's profile image
Britta Hoffner