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CA Agile Central at Agile 2017 - Day 3

By Caitlin Lam posted Aug 10, 2017 11:59 AM


The team had a blast at day 3 of the Agile 2017 conference, starting off the morning with a keynote session by Jez Humble, co-author of The DevOps Handbook, Lean Enterprise, who spoke on the topic of Continuous Delivery in Agile.

Quotes from Jez Humble:

  • "Give people the tools they need and the authority to change the process to build quality in."
  • "If we didn't alienate 80% of the workforce, we could have the talent we need in engineering."


Jez highlights womens' contributions to key technological advancements, including the female mathematicians (or human computers) who worked behind the scenes at NASA Langley and were instrumental in making major advances to America's aeronautics and space programs


A screenshot from a session by Dominica DeGrandis "Time Theft - How Hidden and Unplanned Work Commit the Perfect Crime". Some noteworthy quotes:

  • Identify the 5 "thieves": Unplanned Work, Conflicting Priorities, Unknown Dependencies, Neglected Work, Too Much WIP
  • Tip for taking charge of WIP: "Consider setting WIP limits that reflect current reality"
  • (On WIP overload) "We would rather take on something new/shiny rather than do grunt work needed to finish an unglamorous project"


Tom Perry (Agile Transformation Consultant) shares with Caitlin Lam (Product Marketing Manager) his findings from the conference sessions so far.

Christine Hudson and Ronica Roth discuss important Agile Transformation themes in a recording of AgiltiyCast, for Business.


Wednesday concluded with Agile Alliance Members' Meeting, and the Agile 2017 Extravagan-ZOO in the expo hall. The CA booth was buzzing with activity as our team provided product demos, networking, answering questions, and handing out treats at our ice cream stand!


Fully embracing the zoo theme in front of the CA booth.


Continue following us on social media @CA_Agile, and stay tuned on the community throughout the week for day-to-day recaps, pictures and tweet-worthy insights that are echoing the "latest and greatest" in the world of business agility and agile software.


Check out our full week recap from the Agile 2017 Conference:

Agile 2017: Day 1

Agile 2017: Day 2

Agile 2017: Days 4 & 5