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What You May Have Missed in the CA Plex/2E Community [March]

By Chris_Stallone posted Apr 04, 2016 04:11 PM


Here is just a sample of what you may have missed in the CA Plex CA 2E Community.

Update on Plex/2E from Aline Gerew


Dear CA Plex and CA 2E Customers:

I hope this finds you well.


I would like to update you on recent developments here at CA Technologies. First, as you probably know, our CA Plex and CA 2E Product Manager had left CA Technologies. We are actively pursuing candidates for this critical product management position and will inform you as soon as it is filled.



Welcome Steve Solomon as the Product Manager for the Development Languages

I want to welcome Steve Solomon to the AppDev product management team.

Steve will be the Product Manager for the Development Languages portion of the Application Development portfolio. Dev. languages includes the following products Gen, Plex, 2E, Telon, Aion and Easytrieve.




Impl Name and Variants

CA plex version 7 , publicar en la web

Change Background of Treeview

Using +UseRecordsetSize to limit rows  - but handling Paging

Plex Wiki out of service?

C++ COM AUTOMATION Get Input/Output Fields Names of some DLL

Impl Name and Variants



Improvements on *MOVE ARRAY function

Make Model Configuration Dialog Sizable

Resizable Dialogs

Provide API to update dynamically the cache and the ini settings

OBApi for the tooltips

As a Plex developer I would like the ability to write code that will iterate through all of the controls on a panel.


Water Cooler Happenings:



Office Hours events are a chance for you to ask your questions in a

live chat to CA Support and Product Managers. Learn a bit more by watching the video below.

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