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 When did an ESXi host join either vCenter or a cluster

coloredsquares's profile image
coloredsquares posted Sep 11, 2024 10:30 AM

Is there any way to determine when a host joined either vCenter or a cluster? We have automation that replaces a host with an error and I'd like be able to find when each host has joined.

I've looked in the vmhost object and the cluster object and can't find anything.

I appreciate any help.


LucD's profile image

You can look at the events with Get-VIEvent.

There are the HostAddedEvent (when a host joins a vCenter) and the HostSpecificationChangedEvent, looking at the ComputeResource property you should see if a host joined a cluster.

A handy way to find out if other event types would provide information is to actually join a host to a vCenter and/or cluster and then retrieve all events from that timeframe.
You should be able to see which type of events are generated.

coloredsquares's profile image

That only works if it hasn't rolled that correct?

That is a good way to mark future ones.

LucD's profile image

Correct, it depends on how long you have set the event retention on how far you can go back in time.