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 How to get RPO?

Juan Palmero's profile image
Juan Palmero posted Sep 11, 2024 08:19 PM

Hello everyone.

I've been working with PowerCLI for some time to automate may VMware tasks. However, I've never used it to retrieve information from Virtual Replication or SRM servers. 

I now need to retrieve the RPO from approximately 30 VMs that are being replicated to a remote DR site and have some questions. I've created a basic script to retrieve information following the excellent article "Managing SRM and VR with PowerCLI 13.1" by Pavel Dimitrow: Managing-SRM

LucD's profile image

Did you check that the account you are using has the required privileges?
As documented in Assign VRM Replication Viewer Role (

Juan Palmero's profile image
Juan Palmero

Thank you LucD for your tip. I am not an administrator but I asked one of the Domain Admins to run my script with his credentials and he got the same error. I will forward your answer so they can check. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, I'm in an installation where there is very little knowledge of automation, using PowerShell or any other tools. 

Also, as I mentioned in my post, I've done some PowerShell/PowerCLI but not using VR/SRM and wondering if my approach is correct. There are very few script examples out there.

Again, thank you for your help.


LucD's profile image

I wanted to look at the underlying REST API method, but unfortunately, the site currently shows

API Details Page is temporarily unavailable.