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 How to connect private ip via VM to NAS (VMWare Fusion)

TECH198's profile image
TECH198 posted Nov 07, 2024 07:35 AM

I've got a QNAP in my LAN connected over Either-net over Power adapters to router, then Wifi Connection on my Mac..

However this is slow particularly when scanning 1TB or more unless i connect y eithernet dongle with gigabit connection directly to NAS (giving ac 169x,,x addressing)

When connected this way,  Mac cab access but VM can cannot... 

VM.. IP is 169.254.154.x

where as NAS is 169.254.7.x

when i ping, i can't "Destination host unreachable". Since private IP addressing doesn't have DNS nor DHCP, as its blank, what do i do? The eithernet on Mac is connected via Thunderbolt (on my M1 Mac) and VM is connected to  "dongle"  so it can "see" it when it as 2nd adapter when i do an ipconfig at command prompt.

I tried resetting network in Windows but didn't help.. Am i doing something wrong here?

In all cases both NAS and VM are in DHCP, not manual, but 169.x.x.x it wouldn't really matter would it ? If i access SMB share over 169.x.x. from Mac host taking it off wifi first, i can access fine, so its just VM side. 

aurora-chase's profile image

How about setting your VM's network adapter to "Bridged Mode" to allow it to share the physical network interface used by the Mac?

TECH198's profile image

Added 2nd Nic..

1st Nic is "Bridged (DHCP) just to have Internet access and to update Definitions in Windows Defender.

2nd Nic is "USB dongle" (static and no gateway)

it works, but speed is too dam slow

See Attached. Is this normal?

Attachment  View in library
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There was a driver update for my adapter via Windows Update..
Applied, and all ok now.