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  • 1.  Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?

    Posted Jun 27, 2023 01:33 PM


      For anyone who has attended either [VMware vSAN: Install, Configure, Manage ] or [ VMware vSAN: Fast Track ] , either direct from VMWare or through an authorized training partner:

    Did the classroom version feature server hardware for executing the hands-on labs?

    I'm not sure how keen I am to take an online course (What mechanism would be used.... a remote KVM access via an iDRAC/iLOM etc be provided?)



  • 2.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?

    Posted Jun 27, 2023 03:07 PM
    The HOLs you do will be the same regardless of how the training is delivered and also regardless of which organisation you take the training through.

  • 3.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?

    Posted Jun 27, 2023 03:39 PM

    Ahh; so even if you travel to a classroom session, you're still remotely accessing the HOLs (and thus: no HP/Dell/VXRail/etc hardware on-site in the classroom?)

  • 4.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 27, 2023 04:09 PM
    There might be some companies that still have hardware on-site and accessible to students, but I believe that's rare (the last time I did that as an instructor was maybe 15 years ago)

  • 5.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?

    Posted Jun 30, 2023 02:12 PM

    So to expand on this:


    The training companies lease access to VMWare's HOL Lab hardware? And provide it to attendees/students in what format?

     An RDP Jump box host which has access to a server's CIMC / DRAC / ILOM ?

      The same RDP JumpBox host is on a network that can access to the vSphere and vCenter ?

       Is the experience authentic?  

        To be honest, most of us are not going to use a local KVM to build a vSAN Cluster today; we'll do it via CIMC / DRAC / ILOM remotely.   But, for example, during a VSAN training program, we need to simulate removing and inserting disks to simulate standard disk group functions.

  • 6.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?

    Posted Jun 30, 2023 02:58 PM

    Some companies run their own lab environments, others rent from a lab provider - the environment will be setup according to VMware's specification regardless, so the labs in the training manual can be completed successfully.

    As a student, you would have remote access to a student desktop which then gives you access to the lab environment for the specific class.

    I am not familiar with what tasks are completed by students on the vSAN classes, it might be that the hardware is already configured given that the specific processes needed can vary depending on the hardware vendor - obviously the specific labs a student is asked to complete depend on which training course they are doing.


  • 7.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?

    Posted Jul 01, 2023 03:57 PM

    Thanks   !

      Anyone else can share info about the remote-access-to-hardware mechanisms that these training companies use would be very beneficial in making a decision (I'm waiting to hear back from several companies)

     Screenshots or videos would be super.

       Dell vxRail training as well.

    Have a great weekend all ~Brian

  • 8.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 01, 2023 06:16 PM

    Some of the courses I used to teach did require iLO/DRAC access to the servers, but the servers were physically tucked away in a remote datacenter. I would show the students either an architectural diagram of the hardware environment, or even photos if I had them.

    I wouldn’t personally expect access to hardware on a VMware course, you’re learning about their software rather than the specifics of how to setup hardware by a particular vendor (and VMware don’t enforce the use of specific makes/models of servers for training lab environments)

  • 9.  RE: Training in Classroom: Hands On Labs ?

    Posted Jul 03, 2023 07:14 AM

    Just looking at the official course agenda and it lists:

    "12 • Perform vSAN cluster scale-out and scale-up operations"

    "14 vSAN Troubleshooting"

    I would assume that would involve:

    1) Adding a storage disk to a Disk Group to each node (or adding another node to the vSAN)

    2) Simulating a Cache or Storage disk failure in a  node (causing the volume to become degraded) by pulling a disk from the chassis

    The real-world remote-hands datacenter maintenance technician would happily charge EUR 1000/drive in labor to perform these task >:}

    (Just...the most basic operations.  Very difficult to do those disk-related operations if the hardware is tucked away.)

    Anyway, thank you all .