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  • 1.  RDMA Support on vSAN Cluster Problem

    Posted Jun 02, 2022 07:13 PM

    Hello dear support team. Just let me explain the situation and i hope i will receive some  good advice.
    I was trying to enable RDMA on customer VxRail cluster using built-in irdman and icen  drivers and after some time we faced to some issues regarding vsan-we lose connectivity to vsan plugin for example, could not put the hosts into maintenance mode etc., cant create or edit vsan storage policies etc.
    That current situation seems to be the same as in this KB https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/86077
    But there is no resolution for the situation when the RDMA is already enabled on built in drivers and also i am unable to disable he RDMA support because this vsan plugin is unavailable.
    VMware version and vCenter versions are (7.0 U3c 19193900 and 7.0 U3c 19234570). Please help us as soon as possible to correct this strange situation with vSAN and to turn on the RDMA support on the cluster.

    Thank you very much in advance

    BR Alexey

  • 2.  RE: RDMA Support on vSAN Cluster Problem

    Posted Jun 03, 2022 04:11 PM

    , please be aware that VMware Communities is not a means of contacting VMware support - you should open a Support Request for that - also as this is a VxRail cluster your support contract is a very likely with Dell EMC and not VMware directly and thus Dell EMC should be contacted.


    Anyway. If you can't disable RDMA via the client (e.g. because you have vCenter issues because this is running on the cluster and you have issues impacting the cluster) you could try disabling it on all the nodes individually by running:

    # vsish -e set /vmkModules/rdt/enableRdma 0