I a creating a script that needs to do the following thing.
I us Sapien Powershell 2017 Editor for this because it has a form with info on it
check if a TAG exists (GET-TAG)
$TagInfo = Get-Tag -Name $paramClassName .
This works perfect. I get the info of the TAG if it exists and a $null if the TAG does not exist.
if the TAG does not exist, creat it.
$MyClassTAG = Get-TagCategory -name "Class" | New-Tag -name $paramClassName -Verbose -Debug -Confirm:$false
The TAG is created but the script does not continue, it stays in the NEW-TAG cmdlet...
with the VERBOSE option I get following output
VERBOSE: 07/01/2018 22:43:01 New-Tag Started execution
VERBOSE: Create tag 'ECCS-Classroom-GERTGERT-1' in category 'Class'
VERBOSE: 07/01/2018 22:43:01 New-Tag Started execution
VERBOSE: Create tag 'MyTAG' in category 'Class'
The next command, writing a sttus update in a text filed is never executed. if I comment out the NEW-TAG command line, the status is written correctly
Working with lates vCenter 6.5 and ESXi, on a windows 10 machine with latest PowerCLI modules installed.
PowerCLI Version
VMware PowerCLI 6.5.1 build 5377412
Component Versions
VMware Cis Core PowerCLI Component 6.5 build 6983166
VMware VimAutomation Core PowerCLI Component 6.5 build 6234650
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?