I don't know if this is the same issue, but I found this thread when I experienced something similar and was scratching my head about what to do next. I think some of it stems from my misunderstanding of how the offline depot tool functions, so I figured sharing what I discovered and what worked for me might help even if it may be too late for the original poster.
While creating my offline depot (I have VCF installed currently and also want to install VRSLCM), I ran the following to create my depot under /var/www/html/offline_depot:
./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --setUpOfflineDepot \
--offlineDepotRootDir /var/www/html/offline_depot \
--offlineDepotUrl "https://YOUR_OFFLINE_DEPOT_URL" \
--depotUserPasswordFile ~/.online_depot_passwd \
This told me that there were no bundles to download.
While troubleshooting, I listed the available bundles with different sourceVersion options. When I used sourceVersion of like this:
./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --listBundles \
It showed me this
which indicates that the VRSLCM 8.18 INSTALL bundle is flagged with product version
I came to understand that the lcm-bundle-transfer-util tool, when provided with a sourceVersion, will download only the bundles needed to go from that version to the current version. That means that if I want a bundle in my depot, I need to configure the depot to be able to service a source that is OLDER than the bundle(s) I want.
To that end, I changed my setupOfflineDepot call above to use the prior version of VCF as its source:
When I ran the updated command, it downloaded the VRSLCM 8.18 bundle and configured my depot to present it to SDDC manager and I was able to proceed with the install once LCM refreshed its inventory.
It is possible to pull down a specific bundle and edit a bunch of files to add a bundle to your depot as a one-off, but I want something simple.
If nothing else, I hope this helps someone else who finds this thread like I did.
Advanced Services Architect | VCF Division
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 31, 2024 05:59 AM
From: Wedginald
Subject: Not Understanding VCF Bundle Management (5.2)
I am running VCF
I am setting up an offline depot, which I have working and I have the bundles downloaded for which all seems fine.
I want to deploy Aria, but SDDC Manager is saying I don't have vRSLCM downloaded. So I ran the lcm-bundle-transfer tool and downloaded the INSTALL bundles for LCM into the depot. However they don't seem to have come up in SDDC Manager.
Am I approaching this the right way or am I missing something?