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My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

  • 1.  My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    I had VMWare Fusion installed on my macbook M3 pro, and I had 4 VM's installed.  Then I saw an update, which I did click on it.  After that VMWare never came back.  I waited a while, then I uninstalled it completely and tried to install 13.6.2.  I was able to download and when I tried installing it, just stays on "Initializing VMWare Fusion".  I left it there fior days and nothing happened.

    Not sure what to do here.  I volunteer with computer lab at a High school but now my VMWare Fusion is broken and cannot move forward.

    My macbook info:
    Apple M3 Pro

    Sequoia 15.1
    Any suggestions please?


  • 2.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    What did you do when you said you "uninstalled it completely"?

    I assume that you've downloaded Fusion 13.6.2 from the Broadcom software download site?

    Can you find and post the ~/Library/Logs/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-vmfusion*.log files? There might be something in there that will give us a clue about why Fusion initialization isn't completing?

    You might want to try the script found here: https://community.broadcom.com/vmware-cloud-foundation/viewdocument/script-to-check-if-all-remnants-of?CommunityKey=0c3a2021-5113-4ad1-af9e-018f5da40bc0&tab=librarydocuments to determine if you have all Fusion components uninstalled: 

    Or create another user with admin privileges on your Mac and retry the installation. 

    - Paul (technogeezer)

  • 3.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    I made sure to delete the files from:

    /Library/Application Support/VMWare/VMWare Fusion

    /Library/Application Support/VMWare Fusion

    /Library/Preferences/VMWare/VMWare Fusion

    ~/Library/Application Support/VMWare Fusion








    I nothing in logs for vmware. I created the script under root and ran it, came clean.  

  • 4.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    Don't run the  script I linked to as root. Run it as the user that you're trying to install Fusion with. And not with sudo. 

    - Paul (technogeezer)

  • 5.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    I did run it as the user I was installing VMWare with and the script came clean.  Nothing was found.  

  • 6.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    Howdy Paul,

    Any suggestions what I need to do here?  Much Appreciated your help!

  • 7.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    Ok. First, reboot the Mac so that we can clean things up.

    Then sign into the Mac, mount the Fusion installer .dmg file, and then double click on the installer to start the installation.

    If it hangs again, look in the ~/Library/Logs/VMware\ Fusion folder (/Users/yourusername/Library/Logs/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-vmfusion*.log- there should be log files there. Zipping them up and posting them might give us a clue what's really hanging. Also if it's hanging, drop into a terminal and capture the output of the following command:

    ps auxww

    It will be interesting to see what process being fired off by the setup process is actually hanging.

    Also, if you have any third-party anti-virus software on that Mac, disable it before installation. 

    - Paul (technogeezer)

  • 8.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 23 days ago

    I will do that after my meeting.  Quick question: Does it matter to start the installation from Download folder/Desktop?  Not sure if that has any issues.  Thanks again!

  • 9.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 22 days ago
    Edited by Technogeezer 22 days ago

    It shouldn't matter if the installer .dmg is on the desktop or the Downloads folder. As long as the image can be mounted after the .dmg file is double clicked, that's the important part.

    <deleted a bit of my prior reply -- I had the sequence of events wrong...>

    I also am assuming that the Fusion application is asking for admin privileges as it's starting up. 

    - Paul (technogeezer)

  • 10.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 18 days ago

    I tried again and the strange thing I do not find anything in the log.  I do not see any folders called VMWare Fusion like when I did in previous version "13.5.2".  
    If there are no logs, then I do not know what to do here.  Really frustrating.

    Any suggestions please?

  • 11.  RE: My VMWare fusion stuck on "Initializing VMWare Fusion"

    Posted 17 days ago

    I'm kind of running out of ideas. There's something up with that Mac or the user that you're trying to use to install Fusion.

    Just so I'm clear - you find no VMware Fusion folder in the Logs folder in the Library folder of your user's home directory?

    Are the settings for this Mac (System Settings > Privacy & Security > Allow Applications from)set for "App Store and Known Developers"

    Is there a warning in System Settings > Privacy & Security down in the Security section (below the "Allow applications from"i) indicating that something can't be opened?

    When you double click the installer from the mounted .dmg file, do you see:

    A dialog saying "Verifying VMware Fusion"

    And then a dialog that says "VMware Fusion is an app downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?" Did you click "Open" on this dialog?

    Did Fusion then prompt you with another dialog: VMware Fusion requires administrative privileges to perform one-time setup including copying to the Applications folder.", and did you enter a user with admin privileges?

    After that, did the "Initializing VMware Fusion" dialog appear? If so, is this where the process hung?

    (It should have finished and briefly flashed another dialog "Verifying VMware Fusion".)

    Is this Mac under the control of an IT department that has used a MDM solution to install a profile that may restrict the execution or behavior of certain applications? 

    Did you run the 'ps' command that I posted earlier when the installation "hung". 

    Have you tried to run the installer under another user login (that has admin privileges)?

    Have you tried to re-boot the Mac into Safe Mode, then retry the installation?

    Did you verify the hash signature of the downloaded .dmg file from VMware?

    - Paul (technogeezer)