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  • 1.  Issue with csv formating

    Posted 7 days ago

    Hi all,

    Having a simple issue but can't seem to figure it out. Rather than having my output all on the correct line it's coming out like this:

    Storage 2

    Naturally this makes it impossible to read. Why is the information not aligning with the column headers? Here's the script:

    "Datastore,Capacity,FreeSpaceGB,UsedSpaceGB,utilization" > C:\output\Storage.csv
    $datastores = Get-Datastore
    foreach ($datastore in $datastores) {
    # Get the capacity and free space of the datastore
    $capacity = $datastore.CapacityGB
    $freeSpace = $datastore.FreeSpaceGB
    # Calculate the used space in GB
    $usedSpace = $capacity - $freeSpace
    # Calculate the utilization percentage
    $utilization = ($usedSpace / $capacity) * 100
    write-host $($datastore.Name) $capacity $freeSpace $usedSpace $utilization
    #Write Output to csv
    $output =  $($datastore.Name),$capacity,$freeSpace,$usedSpace,$utilization
    $output >> C:\output\Storage.csv

  • 2.  RE: Issue with csv formating
    Best Answer

    Posted 7 days ago

    This line

    $output = $($datastore.Name), $capacity, $freeSpace, $usedSpace, $utilization

    is interpreted as an array (due to the commas), and those are printed row by row, each row on a new line.

    You can use a string with all the variables, and there the commas will be interpreted as literal characters.

    $output = "$($datastore.Name), $capacity, $freeSpace, $usedSpace, $utilization"


    Blog:  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference


  • 3.  RE: Issue with csv formating

    Posted 7 days ago

    You script is a combination of the "old way" batch kind of working (using > and >>) and working with objects the "new way" powershell like.
    To get your scripting skills up to speed you can search for "Powershell in a month of lunches".
    The greatest difference is that objects are like living data. A string is not just a string it has the ability to replace charachters itself, give the length from itself. This works in Powershell because it is an active object oriented prompt. Totally different from the old CMD.

    # Define the output CSV file
    $outputFile = "C:\output\Storage.csv"
    # Initialize an empty array to store output data
    $results = @()
    # Retrieve all datastores
    $datastores = Get-Datastore
    # Loop through each datastore
    foreach ($datastore in $datastores) {
        # Get the capacity and free space of the datastore
        $capacity = $datastore.CapacityGB
        $freeSpace = $datastore.FreeSpaceGB
        # Calculate the used space in GB
        $usedSpace = $capacity - $freeSpace
        # Calculate the utilization percentage
        $utilization = if ($capacity -ne 0) { ($usedSpace / $capacity) * 100 } else { 0 }
        # Create an object for output
        $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Datastore   = $datastore.Name
            CapacityGB  = [math]::Round($capacity, 2)
            FreeSpaceGB = [math]::Round($freeSpace, 2)
            UsedSpaceGB = [math]::Round($usedSpace, 2)
            Utilization = [math]::Round($utilization, 2)
        # Add the result to the array
        $results += $result
    # Export results to CSV
    $results | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
    Write-Host "Datastore information exported to $outputFile successfully."

  • 4.  RE: Issue with csv formating

    Posted 7 days ago

    Seems like you combine old batch way 

    > and >>

    With the new object way where a string is active data which can do things you ask it to like


    I would suggest searching for "Powershell in a month of lunches" to get into the groove of objects.

    ChatGPT can also help:

    # Define the output CSV file
    $outputFile = "C:\output\Storage.csv"
    # Initialize an empty array to store output data
    $results = @()
    # Retrieve all datastores
    $datastores = Get-Datastore
    # Loop through each datastore
    foreach ($datastore in $datastores) {
        # Get the capacity and free space of the datastore
        $capacity = $datastore.CapacityGB
        $freeSpace = $datastore.FreeSpaceGB
        # Calculate the used space in GB
        $usedSpace = $capacity - $freeSpace
        # Calculate the utilization percentage
        $utilization = if ($capacity -ne 0) { ($usedSpace / $capacity) * 100 } else { 0 }
        # Create an object for output
        $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Datastore   = $datastore.Name
            CapacityGB  = [math]::Round($capacity, 2)
            FreeSpaceGB = [math]::Round($freeSpace, 2)
            UsedSpaceGB = [math]::Round($usedSpace, 2)
            Utilization = [math]::Round($utilization, 2)
        # Add the result to the array
        $results += $result
    # Export results to CSV
    $results | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
    Write-Host "Datastore information exported to $outputFile successfully."

  • 5.  RE: Issue with csv formating

    Posted 7 days ago

    Thanks for the tip RE "Powershell in a month of lunches", I'll check that out. The script is also working perfectly, thanks!

  • 6.  RE: Issue with csv formating

    Posted 6 days ago

    I thought your question was about why your code formatted the results in that way.

    "Why is the information not aligning with the column headers?"

    Also, if the answers provided by ChatGPT are the new reality in this forum, I think I'm out.


    Blog:  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference


  • 7.  RE: Issue with csv formating

    Posted 6 days ago

    Sorry LucD, I think they removed the 'mark answer as helpful' option, and I wanted to give credit for both answers. But you are correct, your answer directly answered my original question, so I have marked that as the best answer.

  • 8.  RE: Issue with csv formating

    Posted 4 days ago

    It had no intention to promote ChatGPT.
    ChatGPT sometimes simply gives wrong answers (hallucinating).
    I also learn from that.
    I try to approach everything that comes our way from a broader perspective.
    My apologies for the confusion.

  • 9.  RE: Issue with csv formating

    Posted 3 days ago


     Seriously ??????? CGPT???????