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How to get a VM's folder from a vVOL VM?

  • 1.  How to get a VM's folder from a vVOL VM?

    Posted 19 days ago

    I need to get the vVOL folder name of a VM that I am creating.   I cant assume that it is the VM name because a folder could have already existing leading to the new VM's folder being VM_1.   Unfortunately,  because the VM is on a vVOL I cant figure out to return the folder name so that I can query it using the PSDrive commands.  

    $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName
    $vmConfig = $vm | Get-View | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Config
    $vvolPath = $vmConfig.Files.VmPathName
    This returns the RFC1422 path like:
    [VVOL_301_POD1] rfc4122.bd198e7c-2f4a-4a32-b7b6-12dcf58ed1aa/snapVM02.vmx
    Want to see:
    [VVOL_301_POD1] snapVM02/snapVM02.vmx