I'm using the current script from LucD, I found in another discussion :
Get-VM -PipelineVariable vm | where{$_.Guest.Nics.IpAddress} | Get-NetworkAdapter |
@{N='VM';E={$vm.Name}},Name, @{N='VMHost';E={$vm.VMHost.Name}}, @{N=”IP Address”;E={$nic = $_; ($vm.Guest.Nics | where{$_.Device.Name -eq $nic.Name}).IPAddress -join '|'}}, MacAddress | Format-table -Autosize
It works fine, but it shows the IPV6 address I would like to exclude :
VM Name VMHost IP Address MacAddress
-- ---- ------ ---------- ----------
test-vm Network adapter 1 esx03.domain.local fe80::b0fe:ab09:6b6:10f9| 00:50:56:80:58:21
Is it something possible ?
Thanks in advance for the help.