Can you provide more details on what you are seeing ("abysmal" is a very subjective term),
What Mac are you running on? Intel or M-series?
What are you using to test network speed?
What virtual network are you using (bridged or NAT)? If Bridged, what kind of host network are you bridged to?
Just as an example, here's what I'm seeing running using iperf3 on a RHEL VM running on an Apple Silicon Mac. The VM is using a vmxnet3 adapter and a NAT (Share with my Mac) virtual adapter. The iperf3 server is running on my host Mac.

Host Mac:

I'm going to set the server up on a VM and see what I get that way.
- Paul (technogeezer)
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 03, 2025 09:04 PM
From: Mark Moorcroft
Subject: Fusion 13.6.2 on Sequoia 15.3 slow network on RH9 guest
I have tried default and vmxnet3. The default appears in Linux ethtool with nothing faster than 1G. If I switch to vmxnet3 by hand editing the vmx, I see far less information in ethtool with vmxnet3, but it shows 10g capable. However, the speed remains abysmal. I'm on a Mac mini M4 Pro.