Thanks for the information.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 12, 2024 11:39 AM
From: goldeneye_007
Subject: Does 17..5.2 break Workstation Commercial license?
I have done the upgrade and from what I can tell, it adds some Broadcom trademark verbage, adds the line 'This product is licensed for Commercial Use.' whatever that means or will mean. It does not remove the line 'Expiration: No expiration'. I suspect it will just mean you must have a subscription to get updates in the future, you will still be able to get a version and run with it until it dies but you would be out of support if you didn't pay. They probably won't even sell it without support costs rolled in anymore. You'll probably be buying Workstation and a 1 year license for support. They will probably lock the KB and other support options, maybe even this forum behind a paywall in an attempt to push support.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 11, 2024 10:59 AM
From: MondoBass
Subject: Does 17..5.2 break Workstation Commercial license?
I apologize in advance if this is covered elsewhere. I am currently running the commercial version of Workstation (17.5.0). This version suffers from high CPU utilization (unless you modify the installation and use an older DLL file.) The changelog for the latest version (17.5.2) supposedly fixes this issue. However, the update also changes "licensing."
If I allow my Workstation to update to the current version, will it change my software license from "perpetual" to the SAS model?
What do you recommend?
Thanks in advance.