seems font color isnt supported... :-(
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 24, 2024 06:35 AM
From: Simone MASI
Subject: Aria Operation integerate with Telegram
thanks for the info, do you know what other tags are supported? Or do you have a link where I can read which ones I can use? To make the message more readable I would like to be able to increase the fonts, change their color and underline them.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 24, 2024 02:55 AM
From: Syuzanna Grigoryan
Subject: Aria Operation integerate with Telegram
When creating webhook payload templates and wanting to use HTML formatting, there are specific considerations to ensure that the formatting is applied correctly. Here's how you can achieve this:
1. Set parse_mode to HTML
2. Using HTM Formating
Bold text: Use the <b> tag
Italic text: Use the <i> tag
Links: Use the <a> tag
3. Line Breaks
Instead of using <br>, use newline characters(\n)
4. Avoid non-standrad HTML Tags
Some HTML tags, like <footer> may not be supported an can cause errors
Here is my example of payload with HTML formatting:
"chat_id": "yourChatId",
"text": "<b>Parent HostName:</b> <i>${VMWARE|HostSystem}</i>\n<b>Parent DatacenterName:</b> <i>${VMWARE|Datacenter}</i>\n<b>Workload:</b> <i>${VMWARE|Datastore|diskspace|total|workload}%</i>\nFor more details, visit the <a href='${LINK_TO_ALERT}'>alert page</a>.\nGenerated by vRealize Operations",
"parse_mode": "HTML"
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 23, 2024 10:01 AM
From: Simone MASI
Subject: Aria Operation integerate with Telegram
Is there a way to have them in HTML format? put the label in bold and the variable in italics for example and give carriage returns, I'm trying but I can't. From the forums around, to pass the text in HTML, a "parse_mode:" "HTML" should be provided but I can't get it to take it, I put it in the payload and also in the uri but it doesn't work
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 22, 2024 04:24 AM
From: Syuzanna Grigoryan
Subject: Aria Operation integerate with Telegram
When setting up a Webhook Payload Template, you can include details from parent and ancestor objects. Here's how you can configure the text field to incorporate these details:
Select Parent/Ancestor Objects:
In the Object Content tab of the Webhook Payload Template, choose the parent or ancestor objects you want to include.
Add Obect Type: Datastore
Select your prefferd Ancestors
In the Payload Details section, under Parameters, you'll see the parameters corresponding to the objects you selected. These parameters include details such as parent data centers and hostnames.
Use Parameters in Text:
You can include these parameters in the text field of your payload. For example, if you want to include the parent data center and hostname in your message, you would reference these parameters directly.
Example JSON Payload:
Here's how you might structure the text field in your JSON payload to include these parameters:
"chat_id": "<yourChatId>",
"text": "Parent HostName: ${VMWARE|HostSystem}, paren tDatacenterName: ${VMWARE|Datacenter}"
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 09, 2023 12:12 PM
From: SoheilSP
Subject: Aria Operation integerate with Telegram
Hi guys
Does anybody have experience integrating Aria operations with Telegram?
I created a Bot on Telegram and connected it to Aria through an outbound setting.
After that, I created an Alert definition for data store usage above 80% . When an alarm is generated, I receive it on Telegram. Here is my Jason code for the Payload Templates :
"text": "${ALERT_DEFINITION}: Datastore: ${RESOURCE_NAME}, Datastore usage %: ${VMWARE|Datastore|capacity|usedSpacePct}"
I also want to see the Datacenter parent and hostname parent for this data store. Which parameters do I have to use to show me?
I also attached a sample of an Alert that comes to Telegram.