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  • 1.  Add additional VMhost information to an existing .csv file

    Posted 17 days ago
    Edited by LucD 17 days ago


    I have an existing .csv file that contains a variety of information on ESXi hosts. The file is currently missing IP address and vCenter information. I would like to connect to all the vCenters in my environment, then run a script that will import the existing information from the .csv file, then add the two missing fields (VCENTER,HOSTIP). This is what I have so far:

    $hostnames = Import-Csv C:\output\vmhosts.csv

    Foreach ($hostname in $hostnames) {
        $vmhost = get-vmhost -Name $

        $vCenter    = $vmhost.Uid.Split('@')[1].Split(':')[0].Split('.')[0]
        $cluster    = $vmhost.Parent
        $hostIP     = ($vmhost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.Vnic | ? {$_.Device -eq "vmk0"}).Spec.Ip.IpAddress
        write-host $vmhost $vCenter $cluster $hostIP

    The is pulling the correct information, how do I now add the two new fields to the CSV file and then add the IP and Vcenter info it back to the original CSV file?

    Sample CSV file contents:

    Name Parent
    blue.lebrine.local VSAN
    grey.lebrine.local VSAN
    extreme.lebrine.local VSAN
    pink.lebrine.local VSAN

    Also, the purpose of doing it this way is to compare against the existing inventory, so many of these hostnames will not be found and will error out. Is it possible to just mark this as 'not found' or something like that when the script runs?

  • 2.  RE: Add additional VMhost information to an existing .csv file

    Posted 17 days ago

    Try something like this

    Import-Csv C:\output\vmhosts.csv -PipelineVariable row |
    ForEach-Object -Process {
       $esx = Get-VMHost -Name $row.Name
       $row.Add('IP',($esx.ExtensionData.Config.Network.Vnic | Where-Object {$_.Device -eq "vmk0"}).Spec.Ip.IpAddress)
    } |
    Export-Csv -Path C:\output\new-vmhosts.csv -NoTypeInformation


    Blog:  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference


  • 3.  RE: Add additional VMhost information to an existing .csv file

    Posted 17 days ago

    Hi LucD,

    I got this error:

    Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] does not contain a method named 'Add'.
    At C:\Users\dbutcher\OneDrive - McKesson Corporation\Desktop\PowerShell\getVMhost_fromCSV_ExportCSV.ps1:4 char:4
    +    $row.Add('vCenter',([System.Uri]$esx.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceU ...
    +    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (Add:String) [], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound

    Also, what will happen if it's unable to find one of the VMhosts from the original list? Will it just move onto the next one and leave those columns blank?

  • 4.  RE: Add additional VMhost information to an existing .csv file

    Posted 17 days ago

    My bad, the $row object is not the type I assumed.
    Try like this

    Import-Csv C:\output\vmhosts.csv -PipelineVariable row |
    ForEach-Object -Process {
        $esx = Get-VMHost -Name $row.Name
        $vc = ([System.Uri]$esx.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host
        $ip = ($esx.ExtensionData.Config.Network.Vnic | Where-Object {$_.Device -eq "vmk0"}).Spec.Ip.IpAddress
        $row |
        Add-Member -Name 'vCenter' -Value $vc -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru |
        Add-Member -Name 'IP' -Value $ip -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru
    } |
    Export-Csv -Path C:\output\new-vmhosts.csv -NoTypeInformation


    Blog:  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference


  • 5.  RE: Add additional VMhost information to an existing .csv file

    Posted 17 days ago

    Looks great. Is there a way to have it skip to the next host if it can't find the host? Right now it throws an error:

    Get-VMHost :     Get-VMHost        VMHost with name 'myvm1.lebrine .com' was not found using the specified filter(s).    

  • 6.  RE: Add additional VMhost information to an existing .csv file
    Best Answer

    Posted 17 days ago

    You could use a Try-Catch construct

    Import-Csv C:\output\vmhosts.csv -PipelineVariable row |
    ForEach-Object -Process {
       try {
          $esx = Get-VMHost -Name $row.Name -ErrorAction Stop
          $vc = ([System.Uri]$esx.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host
          $ip = ($esx.ExtensionData.Config.Network.Vnic | Where-Object { $_.Device -eq "vmk0" }).Spec.Ip.IpAddress
          $row |
          Add-Member -Name 'vCenter' -Value $vc -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru |
          Add-Member -Name 'IP' -Value $ip -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru
       } catch {
          Write-Host "ESXi node $($row.Name) not found"
    } |
    Export-Csv -Path C:\output\new-vmhosts.csv -NoTypeInformation


    Blog:  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference
