Welcome back to the new PowerCLI Community. We are working hard with the developers to fix the code insert issue many of you reported. This formatted code on the previous platform but did not convert well so we are working patching all posts. I appreciate your patience. @Jason McClellan, Platform Admin
I found a workaround. when you connect to your vcenter, use -Credential. Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenter -Credential (Get-Credential) something change with vcenter 8. PowerCli 13.3 didnt help either.
Hi @ IFSC SYSAD GIFT CITY Maybe it would be better to open a new Ticket and not add to a content to a 7 Year old Ticket , my2Cent. As you didnt included much info on the circumstances , there could be also a Bug hitting you . https://knowled ...
Did you also try with user@DOMAIN?
We run vCenter 8.0 u2 and u3, we migrated to use EntraID as our identity Provider... Does anybody have expirience on how query ...
I have the following code which takes a DVSwitch and deduces which port is the active uplink port. As-is, the code reports the correct information as shown here: Script Starting. Already connected to vCenter server 'MyvCenter'. Continuing... Connected ...
I was willing to eat an increased cost. I was willing to deal with a more convoluted support process. This, I can't abide by: Starting approximately Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (PDT) , VMware customers should use the broadcom support ...