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 Please give OpsMan the iam:GetInstanceProfile permission When Installing BOSH Director for AWS

Behar Cerkezi's profile image
Behar Cerkezi posted Dec 10, 2018 10:15 PM

I am trying to instsall BOSH director for AWS, during the first stage: AWS Management Console Config. Everytime I try to install I seem to get the following error:

Please review the errors below

Please review the errors below Could not log in: Please give OpsMan the iam:GetInstanceProfile permission for the requested instance profile: pcf_om_user, type: IaasConfigurationVerifier All errors will be reverified before installation.

I have given the following access rights to pcf_om_user and reviewed the policies and roles such as pcf_om_role and pcf_ops_manager_user.


Any ideas?


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Ops Manager is talking to AWS, so if it's not able to login then there's something wrong with the IAM set up. Double check your IAM set up with the instructions here ->


For best results, Pivotal recommends installing using Terraform. This automates the set up of AWS infrastructure including all the IAM rules and uses known good and tested configuration. This provides the smoothest installation experience.