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 I am deploying a spring boot application with redis as caching service. I was trying to reload my cache my rebooting my application, but the cache is not rebuild again. How can i forcefully evict the cache from redis and reload the application?

Basil Abraham's profile image
Basil Abraham posted Jun 26, 2019 12:16 AM


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

A few options come to mind:

Basil Abraham's profile image
Basil Abraham

Ok, how will i connect to Redis using CLI, will i get host name details for redis service?

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

You can, yes. If it's bound to your app you can run `cf env` and see the credentials in VCAP_SERVICES, or you can create a service key and use the credentials bound to your service key.