Symantec Management Platform (Notification Server)

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  • 1.  After SP2 update the software console don't show the computers associates to a software resource

    Posted Dec 23, 2011 09:33 AM

    After SP2 update the software console doesn't show the computers associates to a software resource. Everytime that I select a software resource, in Altiris Log Viewer I see this message:

    Process: w3wp (1784)
    Thread ID: 669
    Module: w3wp.exe
    Source: Altiris.NS.Services.CoreServices.ResourceService.GetComputersBySoftware
    Description: Unable to get computers with <name and GUID of software> software installed: Invalid column name 'FileResourceGuid'.

    StackTrace:   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.HasMoreRows()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ReadInternal(Boolean setTimeout)
       at Altiris.NS.Services.CoreServices.ResourceService.GetComputersBySoftware(String softwareGuids, String computerName, Boolean selectTop)


  • 2.  RE: After SP2 update the software console don't show the computers associates to a software resource

    Posted Dec 23, 2011 12:02 PM

    Hello, we have migrated to two of our customers and associates to work properly with the resource software .. We're just having problems with pcAnywhere and we have an open case with Symantec.

  • 3.  RE: After SP2 update the software console don't show the computers associates to a software resource

    Posted Dec 23, 2011 02:57 PM

    Check the steps in this article

  • 4.  RE: After SP2 update the software console don't show the computers associates to a software resource

    Posted Dec 27, 2011 07:22 AM

    I don't know why. Previously I have upgraded my development environement and I hadn't problems. It seems that the database was corrupted. The error message talk about a colum that is missing 'FileResourceGuid'

    I have opened a ticket with support and I'm waiting for a response...

  • 5.  RE: After SP2 update the software console don't show the computers associates to a software resource

    Posted Dec 27, 2011 10:28 AM

    I have looked into database and I've found the stored procedure "spAC_GetComputerBySoftwareProduct" and "spAC_GetComputersBySoftwareComponent" that return the same error that I see in Altiris Log Viewer:

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spAC_GetComputersBySoftwareProduct, Line 40
    Invalid column name 'FileResourceGuid'.
    The statement has been terminated.

    I have compared this stored procedure with the same that I have in my development environment and I have see that aren't equals.

    For example this is the SP that not work:

    USE [Symantec_CMDB]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[spAC_GetComputersBySoftwareProduct]    Script Date: 12/27/2011 15:28:25 ******/
    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[spAC_GetComputersBySoftwareProduct]             
                 @SoftwareComponentGuids varchar(max),
                 @ComputerName nvarchar(250),
                 @SelectTop bit,                 
                 @Trustee varchar(max)        
                Set NoCount On 
                If Exists (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'Inv_Software_Execution') --make sure inventory is installed     
                  if(@SelectTop = 1)
                      SELECT TOP 500 vc.[Guid] AS [ResourceGuid] 
                           , vc.[Name] 
                           , vc.[OS Name] 
                           , ISNULL(usage.RunCount,0) AS UsedCount 
                           , '' As DeliveryStatus 
                           , prod.Guid As SoftwareComponentGuid 
                           , prod.[Name] As SoftwareName 
                           , usage.LastStart 
                           , usage.InstallDate            
                      FROM [fnAC_SWProductUsed](@SoftwareComponentGuids) usage
                      JOIN vRM_Software_Product_Item prod 
                         ON prod.Guid = usage.SoftwareProductGuid
                      JOIN vComputer vc
                         ON vc.Guid = usage._ResourceGuid
                      WHERE vc.Guid IN (Select ResourceGuid From [fnGetTrusteeScopedResources](@Trustee))
                        AND vc.IsManaged = 1
                        AND (@ComputerName = '%%' OR LOWER(vc.Name) LIKE @ComputerName)
                        ORDER BY vc.Name ASC 
                      SELECT  vc.[Guid] AS [ResourceGuid] 
                         , vc.[Name] 
                         , vc.[OS Name]
                         , ISNULL(usage.RunCount,0) AS UsedCount 
                         , '' As DeliveryStatus 
                         , prod.Guid As SoftwareComponentGuid 
                         , prod.[Name] As SoftwareName 
                         , usage.LastStart 
                         , usage.InstallDate            
                        FROM [fnAC_SWProductUsed](@SoftwareComponentGuids) usage
                        JOIN vRM_Software_Product_Item prod 
                           ON prod.Guid = usage.SoftwareProductGuid
                        JOIN vComputer vc
                         ON vc.Guid = usage._ResourceGuid
                        WHERE vc.Guid IN (Select ResourceGuid From [fnGetTrusteeScopedResources](@Trustee))
                          AND vc.IsManaged = 1
                          AND (@ComputerName = '%%' OR LOWER(vc.Name) LIKE @ComputerName)
                          ORDER BY vc.Name ASC 


    and this is the SP that work:

    SE [Symantec_CMDB]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[spAC_GetComputersBySoftwareProduct]    Script Date: 12/27/2011 15:10:01 ******/
    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[spAC_GetComputersBySoftwareProduct]             
                 @SoftwareComponentGuids varchar(max),
                 @ComputerName nvarchar(250),
        @SelectTop bit,                 
                 @Trustee varchar(max)        
                Set NoCount On 
                If Exists (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'Inv_Software_Execution') --make sure inventory is installed     
                  if(@SelectTop = 1)
                      SELECT TOP 500 vc.[Guid] AS [ResourceGuid] 
                           , vc.[Name] 
                           , ident.[OS Name] 
                           , ISNULL(usage.RunCount,0) AS UsedCount 
                           , '' As DeliveryStatus 
                           , prod.Guid As SoftwareComponentGuid 
                           , prod.[Name] As SoftwareName 
                           , usage.LastStart 
                           , usage.InstallDate            
                      FROM [fnAC_SWProductUsed](@SoftwareComponentGuids) usage
                      JOIN vRM_Software_Product_Item prod 
                         ON prod.Guid = usage.SoftwareProductGuid
                      JOIN vRM_Computer_Item vc
                         ON vc.Guid = usage._ResourceGuid
                       JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ident
                         ON ident._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid

                      WHERE vc.Guid IN (Select ResourceGuid From [fnGetTrusteeScopedResources](@Trustee))
                 AND vc.IsManaged = 1
                        AND LOWER(vc.Name) LIKE @ComputerName
                        ORDER BY vc.Name ASC 
                   SELECT  vc.[Guid] AS [ResourceGuid] 
                         , vc.[Name] 
                         , ident.[OS Name] 
                         , ISNULL(usage.RunCount,0) AS UsedCount 
                         , '' As DeliveryStatus 
                         , prod.Guid As SoftwareComponentGuid 
                         , prod.[Name] As SoftwareName 
                         , usage.LastStart 
                         , usage.InstallDate            
                        FROM [fnAC_SWProductUsed](@SoftwareComponentGuids) usage
                        JOIN vRM_Software_Product_Item prod 
                           ON prod.Guid = usage.SoftwareProductGuid
                        JOIN vRM_Computer_Item vc
                           ON vc.Guid = usage._ResourceGuid
                         JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ident
                           ON ident._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid

                        WHERE vc.Guid IN (Select ResourceGuid From [fnGetTrusteeScopedResources](@Trustee))
                   AND vc.IsManaged = 1
                          AND LOWER(vc.Name) LIKE @ComputerName
                          ORDER BY vc.Name ASC 

    I don't understand why are different.... and now my dubt is: are these the only differents?

  • 6.  RE: After SP2 update the software console don't show the computers associates to a software resource
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 04, 2012 08:49 AM

    With a tool I have compared the CMDB in production environment with the one in my development environment and I have seen that were some differences.

    With the support we have seen that for inexplicable reason the SP2 is not correctly applied on all my product. We have re-applied the SP2 for the products not upgraded and now the issue is gone.