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  • 1.  Windows 7 SOI not installing Agent Automatically

    Posted Sep 07, 2011 05:32 PM

    Anyone else having any issues with SOI failing to install the Altiris Agent after the install is complete? I see where Altiris attempts to accomplish this using the setupcomplete.cmd script in $OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts in the OS Install files, but the AltirisAgent.bat script that it has there is mangled and invalid. Here's one version of the inalid AltirisAgent.bat file (the other version that I've seen is missing the last two lines, but is otherwise the same.

     expand %WINDIR%\Setup\DSPluginInstall.exe c:\
    C:\AltirisAgentInstSvc.exe -u  "/altiris/ns/NSCap/bin/win32/x86/NS client Package/AeXNSC.exe" -s  -w /altiris
    copy %EINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\DSPluginInstall.exe c:\
    c:\DSPluginInstall.exe install -u /Altiris/NS/NSCap/Bin/Win64/x64/Deployment/Agent/Altiris_DeploymentSolutionAgent_7_1_x64.msi
    c:\DSPluginInstall.exe start
    c:\DSPluginInstall.exe start

    I've also seen this file totally empty or missing in my OS Files folders (<Altiris Install Folder>\Altiris Agent\Agents\Deployment\Task Handler\SOI\...\sources\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts). Every time I try to manually fix the file, it gets overwritten before it makes it to my client during SOI. I've found that all it needs is:

     expand %WINDIR%\Setup\DSPluginInstall.exe c:\
    C:\AltirisAgentInstSvc.exe -u  "http://<Notification Server FQDN>/altiris/ns/NSCap/bin/win32/x86/NS client Package/AeXNSC.exe" -s <Notification Server FQDN> -w http://<Notification Server FQDN>/altiris
    copy %EINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\DSPluginInstall.exe c:\
    c:\DSPluginInstall.exe install -u http://<Notification Server FQDN>/Altiris/NS/NSCap/Bin/Win64/x64/Deployment/Agent/Altiris_DeploymentSolutionAgent_7_1_x64.msi
    c:\DSPluginInstall.exe start

    The above script works if run manually, so I'm just trying to figure out how to make my changes stick.Anyone else running into this and/or know how to fix it permanently?

  • 2.  RE: Windows 7 SOI not installing Agent Automatically

    Posted Sep 12, 2011 12:21 PM

    I've traced it down to an update that appears be occuring right after the SOI task fires off. If I quickly manually update the file before too much of the SOI completes, the correctly formatted file is copied over to the client as expected. The process that is updating the file (AltirisAgent.bat) is AtrsHost.exe.

  • 3.  RE: Windows 7 SOI not installing Agent Automatically

    Posted Sep 12, 2011 06:48 PM

    i think the script is moved to c:\windows\scripts right?  and it is executed after the SOI

    check that file, it might be a corrupted file



  • 4.  RE: Windows 7 SOI not installing Agent Automatically

    Posted Sep 13, 2011 09:52 AM

    From my various web searches, this (c:\windows\setup\scripts) is the correct location. The path you mention does not exist post SOI.

    After the SOI completes, c:\windows\setup\scripts contains 4 files (setupcomplete.cmd, AltirisAgent.bat, and DSPluginInstall.exe). This mirrors what I find in $OEM$\$$\setup\scripts within my OS source files.

    The setupcomplete.cmd script is a single line that calls AltirisAgent.bat with no arguments. If a valid AltirisAgent.bat file is present, the agent(s) get(s) installed correctly. I just have to make sure there is a valid AltirisAgent.bat file present in the $OEM$\$$\setup\scripts folder within my OS sources after every SOI triggers.

    I've also confirmed that this occurs during both x64 and x86 Windows 7 SOI tasks.