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Dialog Workflow 

Jun 13, 2012 09:48 AM

Dialog Workflow

Component definition

This component stops the workflow process to get information from a user. The Dialog Workflow component creates a specific task that requires a user to complete a Web form. Once this form is complete, the component returns the gathered data and resumes the workflow process.

Component icon

The Dialog Workflow component contains three internal models: a start process, a dialog model, and a finish process. These three models perform different functions within the component. The start process determines how the dialog is presented to the user who needs to interact with it. It answers the question, "How do we get the necessary user see this page?". For example, the start process may send an email to a group of employees. This email may notify them that certain actions are required and may provide a link to the Web form where they can complete the actions. The component can also be used to create a task that appears in a user's Web portal task list (for example, Process Manager or SharePoint).

The dialog model contains the form that a user sees.

The finish process lets you include a process that runs after the dialog model. This feature is used, but it is useful for some situations, such as removing permissions immediately after a user has completed an assigned task.

Description of component output paths


The component output paths are described in the following table:



timed out

If the time in the Timeout Time Span option (in the Event Configuration tab) is reached, the workflow follows this output path.


An output path is created for each end component that is added in the Dialog Model (accessed in the Interaction Setup tab).

Description of component tabs and their properties

The properties on the Assignments tab in the Dialog Workflow component are listed and described in the following table:




Task Information

Task Source Type

Lets you set the source type for the task

Task Source Editor dialog box options:

  • Default Task Source

    Uses the default task source.

    The default task source is primarily used for email.

    Symantec Workflow manages this default task source.

  • Helpdesk6.5 Task Source

    Uses the Helpdesk Solution task as the source.

  • Process Manager Task Source

    Creates this workflow as a task in Process Manager.

  • SMP Task Source

    Uses the Symantec Management Platform task as the source.

  • Share Point Task Source

    Uses the SharePoint task as the source.

  • Task List Task Source

    Uses a list as the task source.

  • ActiveDirectoryTaskSource

    Uses the Active Directory task as the task source.

  • Altiris Task Source

    Uses the Altiris task as the source.

Require Assignment

Lets you require that this task be assigned to someone or some group

When this option is selected, this component does not execute unless at least one assignment is made.

Task Name

A descriptive name for the task that is tied to this component

The name is displayed in Process Manager and can describe briefly the operations that are required to satisfy this workflow component.

Task Description

A description for your task

The description can describe in Process Manager precisely what a user must do to satisfy this workflow component.

Task Priority By Variable Value

Lets you set the task priority through a variable.

Task Priority

Lets you set the priority (urgency) of this Process Manager task.

The task for this component is to enter all data that the component requires.


The variable that contains the task priority.

Profile Name

Lets you select the name of the profile that you want to attach.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method, and you want to attach a Process Manager data profile to this workflow task.

Profile Values

Lets you edit the data mappings of the profile that you attached.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method, and you attached a Process Manager data profile to this workflow task.

Set Late Date And Due Date

Lets you set late and due dates for this workflow task in Process Manager.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method.

Created By Use As Project Name

Lets you use the Project name for the Process Manager Created By variable.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method.

Created By

Lets you set the value for the created by variable.

On Bad Assignment

Lets you select how to handle the case where the Process Manager assigned person is not found.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method.

On Bad Assignment options:

  • Throw Exception


  • Log Exception


Is Dialog Start

Lets you select if you want this form to be the start of the workflow.

When Is Dialog Start is unchecked, the Expose As Webservice tab appears.

Task Assignments

Person Assignments

Lets you select the person assignments to assign your component's task to an individual user or individual users in Process Manager.

Group Assignments

Lets you select the group assignments you want to assign a task in Process Manager.

Org Unit Assignments

Lets you select the organizational unit assignments you want for the task in Process Manager.

Workflow Queue Assignments

Lets you select the workflow queue assignments you want for the task in Process Manager.

Permission Assignments

Lets you select the permission assignments you want for this component's task in Process Manager.

Task Response settings

Respond Display Format

Lets you select the format to display the task response in Process Manager.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method.

Respond Display Format drop-down list options:

  • Default

    The task response is displayed in a pop-up.

  • Embedded

    The task response is displayed inside the form.

  • ChildForm

    The task response is displayed in a child form.

Task Type

Lets you select the Process Manager task type.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method.

Auto Height Width

Lets you select to keep the auto height and width for the Process Manager form.

The Process Manager is selected as the Integration method.

Uncheck Auto Height Width to enter the height and width.

  • Form Width


  • Form Height


The properties on the Interaction Setup tab in the Dialog Workflow component are listed and described in the following table:




User Interaction

Dialog Model

Lets you create a model that includes the dialog box that you want displayed to users.

The dialog model is a built-in Forms (Web) Project. It lets you create the workflow that is needed to design your Web forms.

An output path is created on the Dialog Workflow component for each End component that is added in this model. You should have an End component for each possible outcome of the dialog model.

For example, you can create an "Approve" End component, a "Deny" End component, and an "Alternate" End component.

Resolve Workflow Task On Exit

Lets you close the Dialog Workflow process when this Dialog Model exits.

Respond Link Name

Lets you type the name you want to use for the respond link.

The respond link lets users respond to the current question. When the user clicks the respond link, the process submits any information that the user has entered into the dialog box.

Allow Multiple Responses

Lets you create multiple responses through unique dialog models.

These dialog models can perform the tasks that are related to the Dialog Workflow component. The tasks may not necessarily affect the outcome directly (such as helping a manager make a decision).

For example, suppose the Dialog Workflow component lets a manager approve or deny the purchase of a cell phone. The manager has received multiple cell phone requests of the same model, but rejects the requests because the company does not support it. The manager decides to send in a request to see if the company supports that model of phone.

You can create a response that shows a button that lets the manager send a request to IT.

Dialog Models

Lets you create a response dialog model.

When you click Add, a response dialog model appears.

Edit Object dialog box options:

  • Conditionally Use

    Lets you use this Dialog Model only in certain conditions.

    Lets you create a unique dialog model that defines the conditions to show and not to show this Dialog Model.

  • Set Start Date

    Lets you set a start date for this Dialog Model.

  • Set End Date

    Lets you set an end date for this Dialog Model.

  • Category

    Lets you specify the category for this response.

    Helps you keep track of similar responses.

  • Name

    The name of the response.

    Is displayed to the user in the Dialog Workflow component.

  • Dialog Model

    Lets you create a model that includes the dialog box you want displayed to users.

  • Exit Component On End

    Lets you close the Dialog Workflow process when this Dialog Model exits.

  • Is Mobile Type


Do Not Exit On Some Outputs

Lets you select if you do not want this component to exit on one or more outputs.

Do Not Exit On Outputs

Lets you select one or more outputs that this component does not exit on. All outputs that are selected are removed as output paths on this component.

Is useful if you have a button that lets the user return to the dialog box, such as a Save As Draft button.

Form Defaults

Form Position

Lets you select where you want the forms that are built in the Dialog Model to appear on the Web browser.

The Default option uses the Web browser settings.

Form Theme

Lets you select the theme to use for the forms that are built in the Dialog Model.

Form Type

Lets you select the form type to use for the forms that are built in the Dialog Model.

Options in the Form Type drop-down list:

  • Web

    Use the Web form type if your forms are built to view on the Web.

  • Mobile

    Use the Mobile form type to display forms through a mobile device.

  • Mobile And Web

    Use the Mobile and Web form type to use the browser's declarations to discover if it is used on a mobile device and render the form accordingly.

The properties on the Event Configuration tab in the Dialog Workflow component are listed and described in the following table:




Start Configuration

Start Description

Lets you include a description of the process you chose as your Start Process.

For example, you can include specific information on how the process works and what it does.

Start Process

Lets you create the process which is executed at the beginning of your workflow process.

The start process is executed when the workflow process is approved and before the workflow process itself is executed.

Escalation Configuration


Lets you set escalations for your event. Click Add to set the escalations.

Escalations are events in your workflow process which cause the workflow to continue or move to a different level.

Finish Configuration

Finish Description

Lets you include a description of the process you want for your Finish Process.

For example, you can include specific information on how the process works and what it does.

Finish Process

Lets you create the process which is executed at the end of your workflow process.

The finish process is executed when the workflow process is approved and after the workflow process itself is executed.

Timeout Configuration

Timeout Type

A process times out when a user does not respond within a certain date or time span.

Timeout Type options:

  • TimeSpan

    Lets you set how long to wait before a process times out.

  • Date

    Lets you set a specific date for when a process times out.

Timeout Time Span

Lets you set how long to wait before a process times out.

Timeout Date

Lets you set a specific date when a process times out.

This option contains a reference to a variable within your Project which holds the date you want your process to time out.

Timeout Description

Lets you include specific information or instructions. For example you can include the description for your users of how and why a process times out.

Timeout Process

Lets you create the process which is to execute when your workflow component times out.

The properties on the Expose As Webservice tab in the Dialog Workflow component are listed and described in the following table:



Expose As Webservice

Lets you expose the Dialog Workflow and its output paths as a Web service.

Lets you create an API accessible version of the Dialog Workflow, which lets you make Web service calls into your workflow.

The Expose As Webservice tab appears when Is Dialog Start is unchecked in the Assignments tab.

Defined Webservice Name

Lets you type the Web service name.

Variables To Expose

Lets you select the workflow variables to expose to the Web service.

Paths To Expose

Lets you select the paths to expose to the Web service.

The properties on the Settings tab in the Dialog Workflow component are listed and described in the following table:



Component Class Name

The class name of this component. This property is not editable, but useful if you call Symantec support.


The description of this component. This property lets you describe how the component is used. You can use it to provide any wanted documentation for this component.

This description is included in the model reports that are created when you click Plugins > Generate Business Model.


The physical location of the top left point of this component on the workflow model.


The name of this component. You can change the name.

If you changed the component name when you double-clicked it on the workflow model, the changed name appears here.

Override Background Color

This property lets you change the background color of this component.

To Do

This property lets you record what you still need to do with the component. Use this property to help you remember the configuration that you want to apply to this component.

The text that you enter for this property appears at the bottom of the component editor. If you enter text for this property, a checklist symbol appears on the component in the workflow model.

Web Service Name

The name of the Web service. You can change the Web service name.

Is Enabled

This property lets you enable or disable the component. By default, components are enabled. When a component is disabled, it has no effect on the Project. Uncheck Is Enabled to disable the component.

  • Execution Outcome

    If a component with more than one outcome path is disabled, you must select which outcome path you want the component to take. Click the Execution Outcome drop-down list and select the outcome path for the workflow to follow.

  • Disabled Mapping

    If the component has output parameters, you must configure all output parameters with fixed data to pass on. This configuration can be performed in the Disabled Mapping option.

The properties on the Message Listeners tab in the Dialog Workflow component are listed and described in the following table:



Allow Exit Via Message Monitoring

Lets you create an exit (output path) in the component when it receives a message by another application or Project. Each message that is created places a unique output path in the component.

Each component that has message listening turned on receives messages from Microsoft Exchange. If the message matches the Path Name, the output path for that message is used.

You can use the Send Complete Workflow Message component to place messages into Microsoft Exchange.

Message Responses

Lets you set up your message responses.

Edit Object dialog box options:

  • Path tab

    Lets you enter the property path name.

    This property is the name of the output path that is added to the Workflow component.

  • Path Data tab

    • Empty Message

      Lets you select to allow message data.

      To allow message data, uncheck Empty Message.

    • Payload Data Type

      Lets you select the message datatype from the other application or Project.

    • Variable Name

      Lets you enter the message variable name.

      This property is the name of the variable that contains the message data

Connection information

Not applicable

Component settings


Use cases

Some examples for the Dialog Workflow component are as follows:

  • Vacation approval

    A vacation request is presented to a manager for approval.

  • Server request

    An internal server request runs through a series of Dialog Workflow components to acquire the requested server.

Vacation approval

Scenario: In a Web form, an employee submits a vacation request. A manager is notified about the pending request by an email that includes a link to view the request. The requester is notified about the manager's decision by email.

Process: This process is created as a Workflow Project type.

The following screen shot shows the process:

In the first Dialog Workflow component - "Vacation Request" - the start and the finish processes are in a blank configuration. The start and the finish processes are located in the Event Configuration tab in the component's editor. Blank configuration means there is only a start and an end component in them. The dialog model (located in the Interaction Setup tab) contains a form.

The following screen shot shows the dialog model:

The outcome path on the Form Builder component is Submit because that is the name of the button in the form.

In the second Dialog Workflow component - "Manager Approve/Reject" - the start model sends an email to the manager.

The following screen shot shows the start model:

The dialog model contains the form, and the finish process is blank.

After the manager responds to the request, an email notifies the requester of the manager's decision.

Other components in this example are as follows:

  • Send Email

  • Form Builder

Server request

Scenario: In a large company, a branch office requests a new server from the company's hardware supply. Once the request has been received, it goes through numerous steps before it is filled.

Process: This process is created as a Workflow Project type. A series of Dialog Workflow components control the progress of the request.

The following screen shot shows the process:

The four Dialog Workflow components stop the process at each crucial point, and they proceed after the necessary information is received.

In this example, the Single Path Demo component represents the procurement process to obtain the requested server. In reality, this component would probably be a linked or embedded model component that contained the procurement process.

Other components in this example are as follows:

  • Single Path Demo

    A non-functioning placeholder that represents a single-path component, such as a Linked Model.

  • Send Email

You can include a Web form in a Workflow Project type only by using the Dialog Workflow component. The Dialog Workflow component uses the same form builder that Forms (Web) Project types use.

For more information on the Dialog Workflow component, see the Workflow Solution User's Guide.

Presenting a Dialog Workflow dialog to a user with an email

Many of the example processes in this document use a Dialog Workflow component to present a Web form to a user. The Web form is most often presented by sending the user an email with a link to the Web form.

Dialog Workflow components stop a process to present a Web dialog to a user to obtain necessary information.

Before the user can input the necessary information in the Web dialog, the user must first access the dialog. Dialog Workflow components contain a start process for the purpose of presenting the user with the Web dialog. One common way to present the end user with the Web dialog is to send an email with a link to it. The Send Email component sends the email.

To present a dialog to a user with the Send Email component

  1. In your process, double-click the Dialog Workflow component to open its editor.

  2. Click the Event Configuration tab.

  3. Click the Start Process [...] button.

    The Start Process editor opens, which by default contains only a start and an end component.

  4. Add a Send Email component and connect all three components.

  5. Configure the Send Email component.

    • Set the From Address, To Address, and Subject.

    • Click on the HTML content [...] button.

    • From the left panel, drag ResponsePageLink onto the email pallet.

      A link is added in the email to the dialog that is contained in the Dialog Workflow component.

    • Click OK to exit the content editor.

    • Click OK to exit the email editor.

  6. Click OK to exit the start process editor.

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